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"How's the sibling bonding going?" Leo asked, sitting down beside me.

"It's going great." Jason replied with a smile before getting up and going to the food.

"Do you like pizza Kate?" Leo asked, looking at me curiously.

"Of course," I answered, accepting the slice Piper handed me.

"You know, looking at you closer you don't really look that much like her. Your skin is darker and you have less freckles. Your eyes are different, your hair is brown, not black, and you have a different body structure."

Piper and Jason stared at Leo but he just stared at me for a few minutes before getting his pizza. From how Piper and Jason looked at him, it didn't seem like that was something he did often. After we ate it was starting to get late so Leo said we'd leave in the morning and gave me the bed. After many objections I was finally able to convince Leo that we could share a bed for the night. When I woke up in the morning Leo's arm was draped across my stomach, holing me close to him. My arm was resting on top of his and our hands were intertwined. Not ready to leave the warmth of his arms, I snuggled back into him and his grip on me tightened a little, making me wonder if he was awake. When the others woke up Piper lent me some clothes and offered to do my hair and make-up.

"Leo was right last night.. You have a strong resemblance to Thalia, but you're not exactly identical." Piper said while we were in the bathroom.

"Why was Leo even at my school? I'm grateful that he saved my life, don't get me wrong, but why?" I asked, watching her carefully straighten my hair.

"He lived here when he was little, I think it was his school before his mom died."

"How old was he?"


I nodded and she finished my hair. She moved in front of me and quickly did my make-up. It looked amazing; better than I could do myself.

"If there's anyone you want to say goodbye to or anything you need to get I could go with you; they'll insist you don't go alone."

"Thanks," I smiled and she smiled back. I got the feeling we'd be good friends.

She finished my make-up and we went out to the boys. They stared at me and Piper laughed. She explained that we were going out for a quick trip and, after useless arguing from the guys, we started walking to my Foster home. When we arrived no one was home so I quickly threw a few of my possessions into a bag and we left. Then we went to my best friend, Alissa's, house. When she opened the door the first thing I noticed that she had her hair and make-up done perfectly and wore a dress. Which was strange to me, considering I hadn't even known she owned a dress.

"Katie help... I woke up like this. This isn't my dress; hell, I don't even own a dress." She was shaking her head as she spoke, not seeming to notice Piper standing beside me.

I put my hands on her shoulders and said, "It wasn't one of the rats?"

The rats is what we call her three younger siblings, and knowing that they had a knack for pulling pranks.

"Would they have been able to change my clothes without my noticing? No, Katie, this is all too weird for them."

"I know what's happening. You're being claimed. Come with us and we'll explain everything." Piper said, looking sympathetic.

We went back to the motel and the boys looked slightly surprised to see Lissa, but Piper gave Jason a quick kiss and took Liss to the bathroom. I sat on the bed and they looked at me seeming to expect answers.

"Something about being claimed," I said with a shrug.

They nodded and I laid down, hanging my head off the bed. Jason went to go for a walk while Piper was with Liss, so Leo laid on the other bed, copying what I was doing.

"Hi," he laughed and returned my hello.

"You look good with your hair straight."

"Thanks, I prefer it curled though."

"You look good either way."

I smiled and felt myself blushing so I sat up so he wouldn't see. Piper and Alissa came out, Liss in normal clothes now, and Jason came back, so we gathered our things and left the motel.

"Piper says my mom is a Greek goddess. Are they serious?" Liss whispered as we followed them.

"Yeah Liss, they are. my dad's one too. Jason's my brother and I have a sister."

"So what? they got families while you got left on the streets?" I noticed a slight hint of anger in her voice and smiled.

"I don't really know... but incase you forgot, I had a family through this. You."

"And Tony..."

"Until he disappeared with no goodbye or explanation. Just ran."

Tony Gambino had been our other best friend, and I'd been nursing a crush on him when he disappeared.

"Who knows, maybe he'll be at this mysterious camp we're going to."

"Probably not, but I guess it's possible."

We walked until we reached a giant battleship and they led us on. Leo went to the controls and soon enough we were flying. I felt like all of this news should have been shocking for me, but I'd always known I was a demigod, so I guess all the magic didn't surprise me. The others went below deck so I went to the edge and looked out at the horizon. we flew for a while and eventually Leo announced that we were about to land. The camp was beautiful; lush green grass everywhere, thick woods that would be fun to adventure in, a blooming strawberry patch, a rockwall that had something that looled like lava, an arena that i could only guess what was used for, an outdoor area with tables probably for eating, a campfire area, and a sky blue farm house with a white wraparound porch. The ship touched down and the others came back to the main deck with me. There was a crowd growing and I nearly screamed when I saw the face of the one and only Tony Gambino. I turned to Alissa and her eyes were widened too. I turned back to him and he was staring at me, a half smile playing on his lips.

"Thalia? where are the other hunters?" I turned to the voice that spoke and saw a centaur watching us.

"Actually Chiron, this isn't Thalia." Jason put his arm around me and Tony kept staring.

"That's Kaitlin Grace." Tony called out, interrupting Jason.

The group looked confused and I just shook my head at Tony. He smiled and I laughed. He mouthed 'come down' to me so as soon as we got off I ran to him and he caught me as I jumped into his arms.

"Where the hell was my goodbye Tony?!" I yelled, hitting his shoulder when he put me down.

"There wasn't time. Why is your hair straight?"

"Piper did it... do you like it?"

"You always look amazing."

I knew it was an echo of what Leo had said, but I smiled instead of thinking too much about it and Tony smiled back before turning to Lissa. We were back together after years apart. It would take a little bit for us to fimiliarize ourselves with him, but we could find the home we'd shared together eventually. For now, we were at a foreign place that Liss and I had never seen before but Tony had lived at for years. Camp Half-Blood.

Heros of Houston (a Heroes of Olympus fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now