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"Are you ok, Maddie?"

I open my eyes and see Clare and Carey smiling at the bedroom door.

Finn has drawn the blinds to block out the bright sunshine and he's set up a fan to try and blow a breeze into the room.

"Come in, come in. I'm bored senseless. Come and keep me company."

"We've promised Finn, we won't get you excited. We just wanted to see how you're doing." Clare drags the amethyst chaise longue closer to the bed and they both sit. Clare's wearing a red sleeveless maxi dress. The colour suits her dark colouring. She's pulled her curls up into a pony tail.

I roll my eyes. "Finn's driving himself mad with worry. I feel fine though. I begged the midwife not to send me into hospital this morning. My diastolic was ninety. She's coming again at six this evening to take my blood pressure again."

I sigh despondently. "I've been in bed all day. If my blood pressure has come down, I'm at least going to come up and eat with you all. I just have to think of a way to persuade Finn." I have a few ideas.

Clare shakes her head. "You should have cancelled the barbecue. It's only June. We have the rest of the summer to get together."

I grin. "We both know Clare, if I invite you over for food, I sit around and you do all the work. Finn and I basically provide the meat and the location and the fire. You do all the rest."

Clare and Tom are in Cornwall for a few days. They did buy an apartment in the Crantock complex, Finn developed with Piers. Josh bought one too, as have Finn's parents. Finn says the complex is full of friends and fucking family. I love that they are all so close. We get to see loads of them all. Finn loves that we don't have to put any of them up, n our spare rooms.

"Where are your babies?" I ask

"The little ones are both sleeping." Carey says. "We've put their pushchairs in the shade just outside. That's why we thought we'd nip and see you now; whilst we have some peace." Carey looks as cool and as elegant as always. She's wearing beige linen shorts with a loose white sleeveless top. The additional poundage as a result of pregnancy has almost gone. I'd like to throw my pillow at her. I can't though. That would be deemed as excitement.

Clare and Tom had another little girl, just over twelve months ago. Hannah is as placid and content as her sister Molly. They've both inherited Tom's personality and Clare's looks and dark curls. They are still living in Reading. Tom's next promotion will enable him to work mostly from home and as Clare is still missing Wales, I predict a removal van heading west on the M4, very very soon.

Carey and Matt have had a little boy. He's named Arthur. They call him Artie though. He's now eight months old. He's got Matt's dark hair and big brown eyes. Carey was bracing herself for another Daisy. She's convinced she's earned her motherhood stripes though, so fate sent her the easiest baby. Artie slept through the night almost from day one. I don't think I've ever heard him cry and you can almost see him give a baby eye roll, as he sits and watches his sister's antics.

Carey and Matt have moved to a spacious barn conversion just outside Crantock. They've given up the Gallery. Carey's jewellery business has really taken off since Kate Middleton wore a pair of Carey's earrings to a celebrity wedding. Carey has a long list of other celebrity clients too. The business is keeping the two of them busy full time. Their home had another smaller barn and they've converted it into a studio.

The thought of returning to London has not crossed their minds. A big win for Cornwall from Carey's perspective was M&S opening a food store at Indian Queens. It may be a fifteen minute drive and not quite Chiswick high street, but for Carey and me, non-cooks as we are, it's manna from heaven.

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