Chapter Thirteen

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Tighten your corset strings, it's the Lord and Master." Carey says as I turn to see Finn behind me.

He is holding Will easily against him, one strong arm under his little rump. Will has his arm around the back of Finn's neck. When he's tired he has a habit of rubbing something between his fingers, usually my hair or my sleeve. I notice he's slipped his hand into the back of Finn's shirt and is rubbing the collar.

It's odd to see two blonde heads together and two pairs of blue eyes looking at me. It also does something to my insides, to see Will so comfortable with him.

I pass Dog to Will and he tucks him under his arm before disentangling himself and stretching his other arm out to me. As I take him from Finn, I do my best to show my annoyance over Pandora without conveying any tension to Will. All I can do is glare.

He's grinning. "What's going on?"

"You've upset Pandora with your decoy tactics. I've just been warned off." I'm stroppy. He's amused. He tries to look chastened. He's failing miserably.

"I'm sorry, Maddie. She's just so persistent. I had to think fast. She'll go back to London in a few days. She never stays down here for long." He looks over my shoulder. The subject is clearly closed for him. "People are leaving. Let's grab that table."

We sit, well Carey collapses, kicking off her shoes with a sigh of relief.

"That's enough schmoozing and pressing of flesh for me."

"It's gone well though, your party that's not a party. You're pleased?" I ask, shifting Will from my hip to my lap.

She nods. "It has. Matt's very keen to show we're not a couple of airheads that have come from London with more money than sense."

I look around the walls dotted with pieces by local artists, the bookshelves that include local authors. I know they've chosen locally based suppliers for the coffee shop and bar. They're contributing to the local economy surely?

Finn gives her an understanding look.

"A bit of local wariness is inevitable. I had it too when I bought the lodge. You can't blame them really. Lots of people come down here chasing a dream, but don't realise it's not all pasties and pina coladas. They don't last their first winter and scuttle back to the bright lights and twenty four hour opening."

He looks around. "I think you'll do well though Carey, it's a good business model." I raise my eyebrows at him and he grins.

"I'm going to get you two another drink, before I get another lecture about my own business model. Maddie can grill you on your business plan and do spreadsheets in her head."

He heads off towards the bar with a wink at me and Carey turns to me.

"Quick. Spill before he gets back. You're too cosy. I take it you had a talk."

"He was waiting for me when I got back to change. We had a long chat." I shrug. "He knows it's all too soon for me."

"Great. So obviously you're taking the job?"

"I'm moving in next Friday and will be starting work the following Monday."

Carey claps her hands. "Perfect. You have a whole week now to relax and enjoy yourself, without worrying." She gives me a wicked look. "What was the kissing earlier though?"

"Stop!" I tell her. "It was just Pandora decoy tactics."

"If you say so." She grins. "You're happy about the job though?"

It is a huge relief." It really is, although the thought of living and working with him is unsettling. I need to change the subject. I look down at Will, as I can feel his head is heavy against my chest.

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