Part 1

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"3 years....It took 3 years" Cry said pouring a drink
"Cry its oka-" Mark tried to speak but was cut off by
"It's fucking not" cry yelled at him

It had been 3 years and a half for a cult overpowered everyone. This cult was Satanic
and summoned the supernatural to the world they would pick random people (children, babies, and adults) for rituals in the 1st month but that was the 1st horrid thing that they did. They forced people into slavery anyone who fought back would be taken by the people in the cult and tortured. They repeatedly pushed the moon closer to the earth they fucked up the weather. Snow and night and the spring forest millions died and life was harsh people started tribes going against or giving in to the cult was killed off of the area and the demons and creatures ruled. The worst part is the most famous youtubers met in one area for the meet and goodbye which is what they where doing for a final good bye to YouTube but that was the exact time of the take over. The supernatural made the snow fall harder and whipped out the building. The only thing keeping them alive at this point was the Giving ghost (a ghost with a black cloak and big blue eyes would appear and give them food and drinks to live on), stolen weapons, boiling ponds, each other, and healer children (rare children who possessed the power to heal people after learning magic from whatever tribes the parents gave birth to them in and had purple eye ). The only items they had where weapons,heavy jackets and clothing, light clothing, the barn , some books, and they had traps

"Guys we need to relax" Amy cut in
"Are you kidding me we are trapped in some fucking horror game"Signe mumbled
"Amy is right" jack said
"If we panic or do stupid shit we can be killed just relax we'll get killed" he continued
Felix walked into the barn shutting the door behide him
"Get anything" Marzia asked
"Almost" Felix said aggravated
"The fucking black soals possessed the deer I went to kill"
"It's fine we saved up on food from the giving ghost" Mark said
"Where's pj?" Emma asked
"He wanted to search longer with Shane, Jenna, and Julien in the spring forest"
Dan and Phil walked in
"It's impossible to find any extra weapons" dan said
"Fuck it, Jenna could try to make one with the extra stuff" Phil said
"Let's get some sleep for tomorrow" Felix said
"we need to go to the tribes we'll see how much stuff they have and we'll take some stuff" He said
"Pfft sure" Signe said turning away from the sight of the others in her sleeping bag
Everyone moved into their sleeping bags
They exchanged good nights and fell asleep.

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