Part 2

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Marzia was the 1st to wake up she woke up to the sound of the giving ghost putting down food(2 full baskets of eggs, 2 slabs of raw meat, a basket of vegetables)
And drinks (14 bottles of milk,10 beers, and a gallon of water) and 1st aid
"Sorry miss" the ghost whispered
"It's fine" she said sitting up
"Bless you" the ghost whispered as it bowed its head and disappeared
Marzia got up and cooked eggs for everyone and spilt up the milk by using empty bottles
Marzia looked around the room
She rubbed her stomach noticing it was getting bigger she took some fur and shoved it in her jacket covering it up
She could let anyone know
Other the few who did...
Soon everyone Is up
Pj, Shane, Jenna, and Julian came in with gashes, bruises, blood noses, and blood stains
"Hey guys" Jenna said whipping blood from her nose
Cry sighs "come I will help"
He dipped a rag into a bucket of water cleaning the blood of their faces and cleaning their cuts
"Everyone get the green pass on their jackets" Felix ordered

putting a green sticker on their clothes shows they aren't in a tribe yet and that meant the tribes would try anything for them to join

"Are you sure you want to do this" Marzia said
"What if the people tell the new leaders that we have been stealing" Jack asked
"They won't. They are always being stolen from they cant pin us for it" Jenna said while cry bandaged her arm up
"Their done being clean up for now" cry said finishing the bandaging
"Lets go" Felix said
The group left the barn
Marzia groaned while leaving
"Marzia are you alright?" Felix asked
"I am fine I just hit my hip" Marzia said
"Be careful idiot" He joked he let a chuckle while smiling and then kissed her head
Dan Phil and Jenna and Julian where in the back
"I say we blow" Jenna whispered
"What?" Dan replied
"If we keep in a group the supplies will run out" Jenna continued
"I mean of course but their our friends" Phil said
"Sure once they got big they never contacted us ever again" Jenna argued
"We shouldn't leave them" Phil continued

"Whatever" Jenna Mumbled 

"Shhh!" Cry Snapped to the rest of the group

"we need to sneak past the Capitulate" Mark whispered to everyone

"we need to sneak past the Capitulate" Mark whispered to everyone

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The Capitulate Flag

the Capitulate was the group of people who gave into the madness and now work and are basically punching bags and test dummies of the demons sure they get extra food and could attack anyone but anyone could attack them too. The food and warm area was good....

but you would have to live in hell for the rest of your short lived life.

the group walked slowly around the the circled wall of stone and wood. Suddenly they heard running foot steps about 2 feet behind them they heard Jenna screaming they all turned to see she was trying to run off from the group she had been caught by a guard who didn't see or hear the rest of the group. A black substance dripped from her shoulder and to bite marks where visible. She was coughing hard Julien ran to her while everyone tried to rush her to the next down in hope for a Healer. It was too late they dropped her in the snow she was dying.

"Jenna try to stop coughing. Please!" Julien dropped down to her and started to cry

"I-i Can't" She managed to get out

"i am sorry i tried to back stab you guys... forgiv-" those where her last words

Julien got up and dropped his head looking down at her and started to tear up

"Julien..." Shane tried comforting him

"lets go" He said trying not to show him crying he picked up the lantern and took Jenna's small knife 

everyone followed slowly saying nothing to him

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