Part 3

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after walking for hours they found the tribes 

"look theirs one!" Phil shouted pointing to a medium size gated off area the walls where made of wood 

"Good everyone ready" Felix asked

"i got the bags" Marzia said

"i have the gun just in case " Dan said hiding it perfectly

"its the Mounted tribe" Jack said

The Mounted Tribe is weak theirs no healers but they have tools (pick axes, Weapons, light sources) five guards, and lots of families

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The Mounted Tribe is weak theirs no healers but they have tools (pick axes, Weapons, light sources) five guards, and lots of families. The pickaxes can be used for mining only the rarest of items which could be given to the giving ghost for more food or supplies

"Well this will be easy considering the fact they have few guards" Mark said

"Signe" Amy Called over to her

"you should knock on the door first they haven't seen you yet"

"fine..." Signe walked to the door and knocked softly

the doors open to a man holding a gun he was the leader

he looks at their green passes "Oh you're looking for a tribe! Very good come in"

"Come i will show you around" he went to the front of the group 

"now as you can see we have tools and supplies of any sort" he said walking

Marzia pushed in her pocket a box of matches that was on the counter of a small trading shop

Dan and Phil took some food that was a different shop

while Emma and Amy grabbed extra fur that they found

Soon by the end of the tour a Woman grabbed Felix's arm

"Excuse me...I've seen you here before..." she said

"No i haven't been here ever we just saw the lights and we just needed to stop" Felix tried lying but the lady didn't give in 

"No they had never been here" a boy said he had messy black hair and fully blue eyes and overalls with big fluffy bear ears and a nose to match. He was a speaker meaning he can talk to ghost and few demons that everyone else couldn't the town had about 5 from what they have seen also they couldn't feel any kind of weather never cold or hot or even warm just nothing.

"Oh hello Jack.... i trust you Jack... Alright go man" the woman said letting go of Felix's arm and pushing him away from her

the leader yelled at Jack "Get back to work kid" 

"But sir.." before jack could finish a group broke a wall down. The group wasn't from this tribe they where holding guns and knives and were obviously trying to rob the place

"Shit!" the leader yelled 

the guards went after them

the group ran away from the the tribe when they got far enough they stopped but then heard a voice behind them.

"Wait! Please wait" it was Jacks voice 

"i want to stay with you guys. Please!"

"i cant stay their they make me slave way working and when they need me to talk to anyone they can't understand they are all nice to me"

"Relax kid you can join if you're willing to help us" Cry said

"I will i swear" He said

"He did know we had been stealing but he still covered us up so i guess he can" Felix said

"here" Signe said handing him a small knife

"this is our last back-up and your only chance" she mumbled 

"Thank you!" jack said 

"stop wasting time. Lets go to the next group." Felix said walking ahead to the next tribe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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