Chapter 5

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•DINNER-Same day•

"Molly, how was your first day of school?" Kian asked me from across the table.

"It was so much fun! I made so many friends!" I said and smiled.

Today really was fun.

After dinner, we cleaned up and decided to watch a movie. I've gotten so close to Kian and Andrea, but they don't feel like my parents. They feel like my friends. I feel like I can tell them anything, which is awesome. They never get mad at me or yell. They are just chill and fun and understand me. They don't mention my past or anything. They treat me like their own child, not their adopted child.

"Whatcha thinking about babe?" Andrea asked me during the movie.

"Oh. Nothing." I said and smiled. She looked confused but then gave up and went back to watching the movie.

Their anniversary is coming up soon and I can't wait! The O2L boys, Jenn and I are throwing them a surprise party and much more;)

I can't wait!

They have no idea what's in store for them!

==The next day==

"Wake up sleepy head! Time for school! You don't want to be late!" Kian said as he pulled the covers off of me.

"Ugh. Five more minutes?" I asked groggily.

"Nope. Up. Now. You have 10 minutes until we have to leave!" He said and ran out the room.

"What?! 10 minutes? I don't have enough time!" I yelled and hurriedly got dressed in yoga pants and one of O2L's t-shirts.

I slipped on my gray converse, unplugged my phone from the charger, grabbed my backpack and booked it down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I was about to leave when I looked at the clock.


I have 30 minutes until I have to leave!

"KEY-UHN!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, probably waking everyone up, but I don't care.

Kian came down the stairs with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Why. Would. You. Do. That. To. Me." Is all I said to him.

He shrugged innocently and said, "I have no idea what your talking about babe."

"Shut the...." I started but Kian gave me a look that said if I said a bad word, then I would be in trouble.

"....poop up...." I finished. We both laughed and I made breakfast for myself.

When it was time to go, Kian and I walked to the car and drove to school.

When I got their, I walked to my locker and got out my stuff. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Hey Carter!" I said happily.

"Hey!" He said back.


The whole day was nice. I didnt get too much homework since I'm still starting out, but of course some of my teachers don't really care about that so for math, I have a bunch.

In chorus class we changed seats and I sit next to this girl named Skylar. She seems like one of the popular girls.

We started talking and she invited me to sit at her lunch table today! I was so excited. So at lunch Carter and I sat with Skylar. We all talked and laughed and had fun. They asked me about O2L and Andrea and Jenn, and I told them a bunch of funny stories about them.

Skylar and I exchanged numbers.

When we left lunch, I told her that I would ask if she could come over and hang out today.

So on the car ride home, I asked Sam if I could have her and Carter over and he said yes. Sam and Trevor are going to be the only ones home for a while because Andrea, Connor and Kian are at work and the rest of them are doing who knows what.

I quickly texted both of them and invited them over. I gave them the address and then made myself a snack in the kitchen.

After about ten minutes I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and opened it.

"Hey Sky!" I said and gestured for her to come inside.

"Hey!" She said back as she took off her shoes and we walked into the living room where Sam and Trevor were.

"Hey guys! This is Skylar. She is a huge fan!" I told them.

She flipped out. She started fangirling like crazy and she asked them to take pictures with them and stuff.

Then the doorbell rang again and it was Carter.

"Hey!" He said and hugged me. I hugged him back.

Awww! Wait..was that a friend hug? Or a 'I like you' hug?

"C'mon in! Skylar is in the living room. " I told Carter. He looked kind of disapointed when I said that. Did he want it to be just us? Or did he just not like Skylar?

Skylar definetely comes off as the mean girl type, but she is so sweet once you know her. Of course, I've just met her today, but whatever. She's nice.

We went up to my room and hung out for a while until Skylar had to go to lacrosse practice.

We said our goodbyes and she left. It was just me and Carter now.

"So. What do you want to do?" I asked him, thinking of things to do.

I turned to look at him, but right when I did, he leaned in and kissed me quickly.

My eyes widened in shock. It was a quick kiss so when he pulled back, I just stared at him. I didnt know what to do.

He must have noticed my confusion because then he said, "I'm so sorry! I just had to. You're so beautiful and funny and smart and nice to everyone. I really like you. Molly, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. Seriously? I mean we are only 11, almost 12. Is it too soon? I just had my first kiss at 11 for crying out loud!

"Yes." I said and he hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled.

Age doesn't what if we're 11?

--Sam's POV--

"I'm so sorry! I just had to. You're so beautiful and funny and smart and nice to everyone. I really like you. Molly, will you be my girlfriend?" I heard Molly's friend Carter say from the other side of her door.

Yes. I was eavesdropping. But that's not the issue here.

They're 11 years old! They should be dating! They're way too young.

When Kian and Andrea find out about this, they are going to be pissed.

6th graders should not be dating. Maybe 7th grade, but not 6th. Too young.

"Yes." I heard Molly say happily.

Really Molly? Really?

Sh*t I was left in charge of them. I shouldn't have let them be alone because he wouldn't have asked her out in front of me. Or at least she wouldn't have said yes.

Kian is gonna be pissed at all three of us. Carter, Molly and me.



End of this chapter! Hope you like it!

Suspenseful-ish...not really.

•How mad do you think Kian is going to be?

•Will Andrea get mad?

•Will Sam get in trouble?

Find out in the next chapter!

Message me!

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