Chapter 26

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-In Hospital-

"Mum? Will you tell Chloe and Carter that I said I love them and goodbye?" I asked weakly. I wanted them to know how much I care about them. They were always there for me when I was healthy. And they're still there for me now that I'm gonna die soon.

The doctors said I probably only have a day or two left to live. I wish I could be out doing things; accomplishing things I've always wanted to do in my life, but I'm way too sick to even get up to pee. I can barely move my arms, I'm so weak.

I've just been watching the entire Secret Life of the American Teenager series. There's 6 seasons I think so I've been entertained. It helps me forget my pain.

Right now I am pretty much paralyzed, I have a huge headache, fever, strep throat, and cramps.

I haven't gotten out of this bed for a week. Gross as it sounds, I've been peeing my pants this whole week. I can't even get up. When the doctors come to bring me food, they have to feed me. I don't have enough strength in my arms to feed myself.

I've had a lot of visitors. My parents have stayed with me the entire time; Sam, Jenn, JC, Connor, and Ricky visit everyday and stay the entire day, but don't stay the night. Carter and Chloe stay the afternoons because they have school, but they sit with me and talk to me and teach me the stuff I've missed out in school. Even some of my teachers have come to visit me which is sweet.

Right now, only my parents are with me because its 11 pm and everyone else left.

I'm even weaker than an hour ago, so I told my parents to tell everyone I love them because I don't know how much longer I will last. I tell my parents I love them pretty much every hour.

When they're here, they act as if we aren't in a hospital. They hang out, play games with me, talk to me like I'm healthy, not some young stupid baby.

Before I came to the hospital a week ago, I wrote a official goodbye letter. I knew that I wouldn't be seeing the house again, so I put the letter in one of my desk drawers because I knew someone would see it someday.

It goes like this:

Dear family & friends,

Thank you all for being there for me through thick and thin. I know I haven't been the cheeriest in my last month of being alive, but you stuck by me and I am so grateful to have all of you by my side. By the time you read this, I will be living up above you, with all the angels. I will always be looking down at you, helping you through hard times because that's exactly what you did for me when I was alive. I love you all so much, thank you for making my life wonderful.

Mom: I love you mommy<3 Thank you for being there for me. You're the best mom anyone could ask for<3 You're beautiful, funny, a great cook, and you have THE BEST STYLE:) Dad is a lucky man. <3

Dad: I love you daddy<3 thanks for all that you've done for me. You're the best dad in the entire world. Stay strong for mom and the everyone else. Don't cry for me. Remember the happy times, not the sad. :)

Chloe: HAY GURL HAYYYYYY:) stay strong for me girly. I'll be looking over you in heaven. I don't want you to cry over me. Just remember those fun times we had in the pool, at the fair, pranking my neighbors, and just being best friends. I love you like a sister<3 you're the best friend a girl could ask for. #bestfriendswag <<<lol I'm a loser. I love you:)<3 stay strong beautiful<3

Carter: I love you baby. Stay strong<3 You mean the world to me. Don't cry over me. I'll always be with you. Don't forget that. <3

Sam: you became like an older brother to me. I love you so much<3 you were always there for me and I want to say thank you. Thank you for all the drives to Chloe and Carter's house. Thank you for buying me food even when you didn't want to. Thank you for being the best big brother anyone could ask for. I love you<3

Jenn: I love you so much Jenn. You have an amazing style and you were my role model. I looked up to you and I'm kind of embarrassed but I kinda copied your style. I feel bad now looking back at it because that must have been annoying, but I just looked up to you. I love you so much. You're like a sister to me<3 stay strong beautiful:)

Ricky: YAAAAS GAGA YAAAAS! SLAAAAYYY! Sorry. I had to say it! Haha. I love you Ricky. You're a weirdo and don't care what anyone thinks about you and I love that. I looked up to you and your wacky ways. You can have my Pokemon pillow you gave me for my birthday back if you want:) I love you<3

JC: I love you JC. We became close over the time that I've lived with you guys. You're so nice and funny and you always gave the BEST ADVICE. Honestly. You should do that for a living or something. Jesus Christ! It was always spot on! Ily<3

Connor: Connor. Oh Connor. What can I say but Wow. You are insane. Insane in the membrane (haha inside joke lol). I love you like a brother and best friend. Thank for always being there for me when I was annoying or cranky or mean. I look back at how bratty I was too you and I apologize. I love you so much<3 stay weird:)

Trevor: I love you Trevor. You always made me smile. You have an amazing voice and I hope you become as big as Beyonce one day:) you're the best Apple Store dancer ever haha:) ily<3

Thank you again for being the best things that have ever happened to me. I love you all so much. <3 stay strong for me<3 I don't want any of you to cry over me. You all know I hate getting attention. Haha. See you all someday:)



When I wrote that letter last week, I cried. My tear drops are on that letter, dried now, but still there. I'm going to miss everyone so much.

I hope I get to see them in their dreams or watch over them.

I love them all so much. I don't want to leave them.

God gives you the life you deserve and I am so glad he gave me this life. Even though my first family didn't work out, my second one did and I know God meant for it to.

God. Thank you for my wonderful life.


Ahhhh;( I cried writing this chapter.

What do you think is gonna happen?

Is Molly gonna be dead or alive?

I hope you liked this chapter! It took a lot of though to write this. It was pretty intense. Tell me if you cry at any point. ;(

Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter;(

And then I'm gonna do the epilogue.

I feel like this book has become a part of me. I don't want to let it go, but all good things must come to an end.

I'm thinking of writing a sequel to this. Idk yet though. And idk whose POV would be good. Give me some feedback. Should I? OR NAWWW? Ha I'm a loser.

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<3 thanks babes<3


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