Chapter 17

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--Kian's POV--

"I can't believe any of this!" Andrea mumbled through tears. I rubbed her back and cried along with her.

"I know baby. It's gonna be okay. She's a strong girl. She'll make it through!" I told her, and my self.

"No it's not! We let her stay with that witch! It's our fault she's like this! We could have fought for her more!" Andrea screamed.

"It's not our fault. It's Trish's. We let her go because we love her and sometimes you have to let people you love go. If she truly is ours, which I believe she is, then she will come back to us soon." I replied shushing my girlfriend weeping next to me.

I've never cried so much in my life.

Our baby girl is in a coma! Yeah, that's right. Molly is in a coma.

She had lost so much blood from cutting and her body was so small from lack of food that she blacked out.

The doctors are trying their best but its already been two days.

We have been by her side the entire time. We don't want to leave because we want to be there when she wakes up.

She will wake up.

She has to.

I've been praying constantly for Molly and I'm not even religious. I haven't been to church since I was little so it's weird but I don't care. I need my Molly to come back.

I can't even believe she was cutting herself. It makes me so upset that she would do that to herself.

--Molly's POV--

"I can't believe any of this!" I heard a familiar voice mumble from what felt like the left of me.

"I know baby. It's gonna be okay. She's a strong girl. She'll make it through!" I heard another voice from off to the left say.

The two voices sounded muffled, like they were crying.

I listened to their conversation and wanted to cry along with them.

I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. As much as I tried, I couldn't.

I squirmed and screamed but nothing was coming out, and I wasn't moving.

What's going on?

Just then, the black I've been seeing for what has seemed like forever turned into white and I was walking.

I walked along the white floor in the white never ending room until I got to a throne.

It had jewels all along it and a cross on the front.

As I got closer I saw a man sitting on the throne.

"Hello Molly." The voice said to me. The voice was very deep and powerful.

"W-who are you and h-how do you k-know my name?!" I asked quietly because he scared me.

"I am God. The creator of Heaven and Earth. Right now, you are on the verge of entering heaven." The man told me loudly.

Whoa. Wait...GOD?!

I just stood there looking like an idiot with my mouth wide open.


"You get to choose if you would like to join me in heaven or join Kian and Andrea on Earth." He told me.

I didn't say anything, but my mind must have known my choice because suddenly I was back to black and this time when I tried to open my eyes, it worked.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed looking at their tired, sad faces.

They looked up and their expressions changed from depressed to ecstatic within milliseconds.

They ran and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. But I didn't care. I had my parents back.

"Oh baby! You scared us!" My mom whispered in my ear as she kissed my cheek and my dad kissed my forehead.

Just then the doctors came in and started asking about me to my parents.

I was surprisingly exhausted, so I just fell asleep.

You'd think that I wouldn't be tired after being asleep for a while.

When I woke up my parents said that I was aloud to leave. So they packed up their stuff and we headed to their car.

I am so glad that I didn't choose to go to heaven. I'm not ready to go yet.

I still have my life ahead of me.

I have a family who loves me and that's all that matters.

My parents told me that Carter had stopped by multiple times while I was in a coma which I thought was so sweet, so I decided to call him and tell him the great news.

"Hey Carter!" I said as he answered.

"M-Molly?!" He yelled into the phone.

"Hey baby!" I replied.

I heard the dial tone.

He hung up on me.....


Did he not want me to be alive? I was about to burst into tears when the door bursted open and Carter ran to me and engulfed me in the biggest hug ever. He spun me around. It felt so amazing to be back in his arms.

"You scared me to much baby." He whispered in my ear still hugging me.

I smiled.

Then he said the three words that I've been waiting to hear for a while now.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby!" I said to him.

I really do love Carter. I love him so much. Even though we are young, I know what love is.

I've never felt more loved then this house...with my parents...friends....and boyfriend.

I know love now.

And it feels amazing.




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