Chapter 1

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I stared out of the car window. Taking in my new surroundings. For my entire life I'd been surrounded by grass and nature, the warm sun that shone brightly in summer, the cold bitter winds in winter.

Being in this concrete jungle was strange to me. To see crowds of unfamiliar faces. The whole thing was uncanny.

I brought my phone out of my pocket and turned the music that was currently playing out of my earphones higher.

Me and the taxi driver hadn't talked the whole hour I'd been in his car anyway and I didn't expect him to make any small talk any time soon.

The 1975 played and I felt happy listening to their songs. Whilst looking out onto the dull colours of London landscape, inside my head I could see bright vibrant colours. Colours that made me feel warm and happy. But something about the town appealed to me. Even though it just seemed to be different shades of grey with the odd splash of colour here and there I felt like maybe I would fit in.


Around half an hour later and I finally pulled up at a large complex of shops. I'd planned to meet and old school friend here, I was suppose to be staying at her flat for a couple of weeks until I found my own place.

I was exactly 10 minutes early. We'd planned to meet at a Costa Coffee shop. I decided to go into the bathroom first and freshen up.

The bathroom was your average coffee shop toilet. It was a mix of dull beige and cream colours. The bathroom stall doors were a dark burgundy. There was a about five or six sinks lined up next to one another with a large horizontal mirror.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Studying my complexion. My dark blonde hair that was practically a muddy brown colour which swept quite far past my shoulders. My warm brown eyes. My very prominent cheek bones. I was your basic girl. There wasn't really much too me that made me unique as such. Maybe the most unique thing about me was my ununiqueness. I know, not a real word.

I then began to lower my stare. I looked at the outfit I was currently wearing. In one word to describe it. Basic. It was an over sized beige jumper that hung loose. Black ripped jeans. A pair of vans. And a lot or jewellery which consisted of bracelet,rings and a necklace. The necklace was thin silver chain, a simple going away gift from my father.

The outfit ~

I checked the time on my phone

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I checked the time on my phone. Perfect. 2 o'clock, the exact time I was suppose to meet her. However I doubt she'd be there dead on time anyway, so I wasn't in a rush to leave the bathroom too soon.

Slowly, I entered, taking in every inch of detail in the room. From the old wooden chairs with soft leather cushions to the paintings hung on the plain walls.

There were a couple of people planted here and there at their tables. I decided to go and take a seat and wait for her to arrive before ordering my drink.

I thought to my self to fill time. I didn't care too much about going on my phone. I was more of a late night conversations and books sort of girl. Technology is great and all, but I prefer more physical communication.

Seventeen minutes late. It was about to reach eighteen when I saw her enter. Her presence brought a warmth to the shop that had currently felt cold and meek.

I stud up from my chair and opened my arms to embrace her. She walked towards me happily with her arms outstretched. We hugged for a second and then pulled apart.

"Madeleine," I said, my voice soft. I hadn't actually seen her in just over a year.

"Hello Becca." She said, smiling at me.

I took a couple of seconds to take in her appearance. It hadn't changed much since what I last remember. She still had thick locks of golden hair. Her skin smooth. Her eyes a soft blue colour, very welcoming. Her smile felt genuine, her laugh gave you a warmth.

"Should we order?" I said gesturing toward the counter.

She nodded happily and placed her backpack down at the table I'd been sat at before.


It was now 5 o'clock. We had just left the cafe after drinking an array of warm drinks. We mostly spent our time catching up on the things one another had missed in the past year. There wasn't much in my life that had actually happened. This was the first time I'd actually left Hayle, a town that I'd spent majority of my time there.

On the other hand her life seemed new, modern, exciting, in fact the opposite to mine. She'd got a new job, new house, met new fun people, experienced new things. These things I'd wished I'd done and accomplished with her.

Every story she told seemed like something of a movie or out of a book. I always felt on the edge of my seat. Every word was breath taking and capturing.

We walked along the street together. Not talking too much. Just enjoying the presence of one another. I listened to the murmur of the street. The distant sounds of car engines. The sound of people who were living their lives.

"So where are we actually going now?" I asked, turning my head so I was facing her.

"I want you to meet someone, someone who is very special to me." She replied with, keeping her eyes fixed on the path ahead of her.

"Who are they?"

"His name is Tobi, he's my boyfriend, his house I about a ten minute walk away from here." She said looking at me now, taking her glance away from ahead of her.

I nodded. It was strange to think she had a boyfriend. She always seemed to be so repelled by boys. But that was back then. People change. I've changed.

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