Chapter 3

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We must've been there for a good few hours. But I didn't mind. They were all extremely welcoming and funny.

I really like Ethan. He was hilarious. And his laugh was infectious. He lived in the building with Tobi. As did Cal and Harry. But Josh and Simon lived in a house together with some other youtubers.

I liked Simon and Josh as well. They remind me of one of my best mates from back at home.

I'd found out from the discussion that Josh, Ethan, Harry and Cal had girlfriends. Simon was single.

"So Becca, are you single?" Ethan asked, we were all stood in a circle around the kitchen counter.

"Well it's complicated I guess." I said truthfully, all there faces looked like they wanted me to expand on what I'd said.

"Technically yes, but I'm going to be living here now and long distance never works out and I want to end the relationship but I don't know how."

"What do you mean you don't know, just text him or something." Harry said.

All the guys pulled a 'really' face at that comment.

"She can't do it over text, that's too brutal." Said Cal.

"See I don't know how to do it," I say, thinking about it the only way I could is going back home and telling him.

"Call him, even better FaceTime him."
Josh says, but I shake my head in dismay.

"Can't FaceTime him."

"Why?" They all seem to ask in unison.

"My phone can barely listen to music and text people, never mind FaceTime, it doesn't even have that function." I say pulling out my phone from my pocket.

The boys couldn't help but hold in their laughter. I don't really blame them. My phone does look shambolic.

"Why do you have one of them still, its 2017?" Says Simon laughing still.

"No shit Sherlock, I don't care about my phone." I say truthfully.

The boys still seem to be laughing.

"Look I don't care about my phone but if you were with a girl how would be the best way to be dumped?" I asked.

None of them seemed to have an answer.

I stared at Simon to see if he had anything to say.

"Don't ask Simon, he's never even had a girlfriend." Harry said.

Everyone seemed to laugh at this remark.
Apart from Simon.

"Really?" I asked astonished. I expected someone like him would of had a few.

"Nah, I'm not really into all that romantic stuff." He said bluntly, he looked down at his feet as if he was embarrassed.

"Fair enough." I replied.

"Nah that's a lie, you just can't get any." Cal said.

Once again they all burst into laughter. Simon laughed slightly, but there seemed to be annoyance in his face. I knew they were all joking but it looked to be something that genuinely angered him.


"We better be going." Said Maddie, she was talking to Tobi but it's was more of an announcement to the entire room.

I nodded at her and stood up.

"Do you want a lift back to yours?" Asked Josh.

"If you really want to take us." She replied.

"Josh are you coming back here after?" Simon asked, Josh shook his head.

"I'm coming too then, I need to get back and record anyway." Simon said getting up.

I grabbed my suitcase and back pack whilst everyone else got their things together.

We said our goodbyes to one another. Then Me,Maddie, Josh and Simon all proceeded to exit the flat.

We made our way down the lift and into the underground car park.

Josh's black 5 seater was parked close to the exit. We all pilled in. Me in the back, of course Josh in the drivers seat. However unexpectedly Maddie sat in the front with Josh. They were deep in conversation. Consequently, Simon had to sit in the back with me.

We made little conversation.

"So what are you going to do about your boyfriend?" He asks. Filling in the silence.

"Honestly I don't know, I might go back down in a few weeks and end it."

He nodded. There was another long pause.

"So how did you two plan on staying in touch?" He asked.

"Texting I guess, the whole thing was a mess." I say.

"It just sounds a bit odd. Did he really expect you two to stay together?"

"Only he knows the answer."

"I recommend you get a decent phone."

"I don't want one."

"Well how are we all suppose to keep in touch then?"

"I can still text."

"Yeah but do you not want any social media?"

"I'm not too fussed I mean, it's not like I really miss out on that much."

"Fair enough, well here's my number if you ever wanna text me." He said pulling out a pen and a scrunched piece of paper. He jotted down the eleven digit number and handed me the paper. I put it in my pocket. I was in no rush to enter it in my phone.

In fact I doubt I'll even text him. He was nice and all, but not really someone to dwell over.

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