Chapter 5

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When we got to Simon house I was gobsmacked.  I knew they mad a lot of money. But I didn't expect their house to be this big. It looked grand. Every little detail was so beautiful.

"Wow." Was the only word I managed to say.

"Cmon, lets go inside." He said ushering me further into the property.

When we enter I can hear a few voices to my right.

Please don't make us go to them.

I think to myself but to my luck that's exactly where he made us head.

We entered the brightly lit room. Me following Simon. I recognised two of the people there. Josh and Tobi. They both have a me a smile. The other person I recognised from a video.

"Hi I'm Becca." I say smiling.

"I'm Vik." He says. His smile was sweet. I couldn't help but acknowledge the fact he looked very cute and some what dopey.

"Guys can we film in like 3 hours?" Simon asks, announcing the group.

They all nod.

"Right lets go." He says now taking me upstairs to his room. It was massive.

"This is bigger than Madeleines entire place."

"Trust me, it still amazes me now when I realise how big it is."

"You have your own bathroom!" I say astounded.


"Now this, this definitely gets you all the girls." I say picking up the arms of a big brown teddy.

"Now you know my secret, must be why your here."

"I'm only here with the promise of playing some games."

"Nah you can't be saying that the bear isn't a massive turn on,"

"I'm afraid it's just not for me. I prefer my men alive, and human." I say. Suddenly a smirk grows on his face

"Well I'm already ticking both of them boxes."

I laugh.

"I'd hardly classify you as human." I say looking him up and down playfully.
He puts his hand to his heart pretending to be offending.

Simon grabbed another chair and pulled it up alongside the other one. We both sat down facing the monitors.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the screen. It was Liam. I looked at it in annoyance.

"What's up?" Simon asked, clearly aware of my sudden change in mood.

"It's Liam, he won't stop texting me." I say.
His face still puzzled.
"Liam is my ex, I ended it yesterday, he won't stop texting though, saying he can change." I say.

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

"Well obviously I feel something we were going out for sometime, but I never loved him or anything, sounds bad but I never started to fall in love with him either." I answered.

"Sounds a bit rough on him."

"Nah he's a twat, cheated 3 times as it was, should've ended it sooner honestly." I say, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Well fuck him then." He says smiling.

"What about you, are you currently in any relationships?"

"Nope," he looked sad, I couldn't help but feel slightly confused as to why he was single, I'd expected him to be a fuck boy honestly.

"Clearly you need to get a refund on your bear then, mustn't be working very well."
He laughs along with me.

"Well it got you here didn't it?" He replied with in retaliation.

"Fair enough."

~time skip | two hours later ~

I checked the time one one of the monitors.

"I should probably be setting off soon. Maddie will probably be wondering where I am." I say

"Oh, didn't realise what time it was, yeah do you want me to drop you off?" He asks, his smile was infectious.

"If you really want to but I can walk." I say grabbing my bag.

"Nah it's dark out don't want you getting hurt." He says and we both stand up. He grabs a pair of car keys off the table and we walk downstairs together.

"Bye be back in 10!" He shouts to the house.
We both walk out and get in his car.

~time skip car journey~

We just pulled up outside of Madeleine's. I had just thanked Simon and was about to turn and get out of the car when something stopped me.
I turned back around and looked at him.

"What's up?" He asks, concerned.

"I really enjoyed today." I said sweetly. I genuinely did, at first I was dreading spending time with him but we do get along quite nicely.

"Me too."

"Night Simon."

And with that I left. I didn't look back or anything, I wanted to. I wanted to look at his stupid handsome dorky face. But something stopped me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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