Chapter 2

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I stared up at the tall block of apartments. My neck aching from stretching it so much.

"He lives here?" I ask in awe.

It looked so great. So modern. I was astonished that she was with someone who was living in such a grande place.

"Yep," she replied with, whilst pulling some sort of key card from her pocket and scanning it on a metal a box placed beside the large transparent sliding doors.

There was a high pitched blear that sounded and with it the doors slowly began to open. She grabbed her bags that she had currently placed on the floor and walked inside. I followed her. The warmth of the building hit me abruptly. It was a drastic change from the harsh cold that was outside. She knew where she was going, with her stride was confidence.

We had gotten the elevator up to the 9th floor of the building. Gradually, the doors opened, leading you onto a large corridor, with doors on either side. I was following Madeleine around the entire time. I wouldn't have a clue if I was here by myself. The entire place was so confusing.

We waited patiently outside a door. You could hear someone inside moving about. I assumed getting the key to unlock the door.

Suddenly the door swung open. There stood a tall build. He had dark hair and a large beard. I assumed this was Tobi. But I was wrong. She greeted him with the name 'Josh'. He gave us both smiles, but I could tell he was confused as to who I was. Clearly my presence was unexpected.

"I'm Becca." I said, smiling.

"Josh." He replied with and then gestured into the apartment, welcoming us in.

We walked along the well lit corridor to and open living space. There were about four more people in this room. Madeleine went straight over to the couch where one person was sat. He had dark skin and a cap on backwards. When she slumped beside him they gave one another a kiss.
So that must be Tobi.
I thought to myself, otherwise she's just extremely friendly.

When I took my gaze off the two I realised that everyone was staring at me.

"Oh, erm hi, I'm Rebecca, but just call me Becca." I said greeting the others.


They all said. Introducing themselves. I'd already met Josh so he didn't say his name but joined the other four to what ever they were doing.

I put my suitcase and backpack down on the floor, leaning them against a wall so they wouldn't be in the way.

I wasn't quite sure as what to do with myself. I felt extremely out of place. I think Maddie noticed this as she got up from her conversation with Tobi and pulled me towards the kitchen counter to where everyone else was.

"What drink does everyone want?" She asked, making the boys turn their heads in direction of her.

"Beer." This was said by majority of them, apart from one, I think his name was Simon. He wanted a red bull.

She then looked over to me.

"Could I have a red bull as well?" I asked.

She nodded. She grabbed them all a beer and was about to take the red bulls out when the other guy handed me one.

"Thanks." I said as I took the cool can out of his hand.

"No problem, so what brings you here?" He asked, cracking his can open as he did so.

"Well, I wanted a change, wanted to do more fun things with my life, and now I'm here." I said opening my drink and taking a large gulp.

"So what 'fun' things do you have in mind Becca?" He seemed genuinely interested. His eyes were intrigued.

"Honestly, I don't have a clue, I guess I'm just waiting for something."

He nodded.


"Special, I guess, I don't quite know, I guess I just feel like when I see it I'll know exactly what it is, but right now it's all a mystery."
I say trying to make as much sense as possible.

He looked confused. But like he knew what I was going on about.

"Like what's your something, what is your passion? The thing that makes you tick?" I ask, taking one last gulp of my drink before placing it down beside me on the counter.

"I guess YouTube." He said.

I didn't quite understand what he meant by this. I couldn't help but pull a confused face.

"I'm a YouTuber, everyone is in this room apart from yourself and Maddie." He said, attempting to answer my confused expression.

"Huh, wait so do you do like them makeup tutorials?" I ask.

He laughs at my response and shakes his head.

"Hardly, I film football videos and gaming videos." He says, still chuckling slightly.

"Ohh, not going to lie couldn't really imagine you teaching people how to do their makeup." I say. I must've sounded so dumb.

"What are you trying to say?"

We both couldn't hold back our laughs.

"So you do it as a job then?" I ask genuinely intrigued.

"Yeah, it's fun."

"That's what I mean, I wanna find my thing to spend time doing, find my fun." I said. He seemed to understand more now.

"Well are there any hobbies you've got?"

"Photography?" I said, when I was younger I wanted to be a photographer, fact I still do but I always doubted myself that I'd be able to make a profession out of it.

"Look why don't we go some where with good scenery for you to take some good shots?" He said smiling.

I nodded.

"Or are you a more of a person who likes to capture people, capture there emotions?"

"I feel like you like the capture still image, more of the nature side." He said answering his own question.

Once again I nodded.

I was about to reply to him when Madeleine called my name. I gave him a quick smile before joining her on the couch.

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