Chapter 4

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One Week Later ~

I hadn't seen anybody from the first day I arrived. I'd pretty much spent my time either in the flat tidying and sorting all my things or job hunting. Not the two best things to do but I'm not going to complain.

Trying to find a job here was a lot harder than expected. I must've of applied for over 20 places. And so far none had gotten back to me.

I was currently getting ready to go out today. I was going to go Westfields and my plan was to hand out my CV to a few shops.

I put on a light pink crop top with blue ripped jeans. A jacket hung around my waist. I then proceeded to put on a pair of white Stan Smiths.

The outfit ~

The outfit ~

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I was now in westfields and I had been for sometime. I had one last shop left.I was on my way to Jd. On their website it said they had jobs going. I had to try and apply there. I knew it wouldn't be the best pay but it's better than nothing.

The entire mall was crowded with big groups of vibrant people. They were all busy going about their day.

The constant buzz of their voices filled the large bright building.

When I enterred JD there was music blasting from speakers. Surprisingly, the place seemed to be quite sparse of people.

I went towards the desk which was situated in the centre of the shop.

I stood patiently in line. The cue had about five people in it before me. I thought to myself. Blocking everything else that was happening out. Until I felt a constant tug on my shoulder and someone kept repeating my name. I snap back to reality and turn my head to the voice behind me.

"Becca." He says again.
"Oh sorry, Hi Simon." I say giving him a smile. He chuckles to himself.
"I was saying your name for ages."
"Sorry, I was...thinking."
"Figured." He replies.

We stand there for a couple of seconds before he coughs and clears his throat and speaks again.
"You never texted me, why not?"
"I had nothing to text you, plus I lost your number." I say truthfully, matter of fact I'm not that fussed in staying in contact with him, sure he's extremely good looking but I have other priorities.
I feel bad, I should've said something a bit nicer.
"Well, could you give me your number again, I promise to text you." I say, trying to be kind.
He shakes his head.
"It's fine, I won't bother you." He says
Now I feel really bad.
"No please, give me your number I'll put it in my phone now." I say pulling my phone out of my pocket and opening contacts. He caves in and gives me his number once more.

Once I finished pushing the digits in I look back up at him. He seems happier and a smile is on his face.

"Thanks-" I say but then I hear a shout from the counter saying next. I grab my things and proceed to the desk.


After I had handed over my CV to the desk I left the shop. My initial plan to go home now. But once I leave the shop I felt a hand tug gently on my shoulder. I jump slightly in shock.
"What the-oh hi sorry Simon you scared the life out of me."
"Sorry, didn't realise you're so jumpy." He said, whilst chuckling at my reaction.
"Are you waiting for someone?" I ask, wondering why he was outside and stopped me.
"If that someone is you, then yes, I was." A grin plastered on his face.
"Well I'm here, why were you waiting?" I ask confused.
"I was wondering if you wanted to get a quick drink." "With me." He added on. I could tell he was nervous, the feelings were mutual. I was an extremely awkward person.
"Yes, that'd be nice, i don't really have anything else to do."
"Great, how about costa?"
I nod. Costa was one of my favourite places to go to.

I couldn't help but feel awkward on the walk to the café. We hadn't spoken. Just sort of gave the odd glance at one another. I tried keeping my eyes on the floor. I was terrible at holding eye contact.

"I-" as I was about to speak he spoke as well. We both half heartedly laughed.
"You go first." He says.
"I was looking at your YouTube channel the other day."
"Oh really, what did you think of it?" He asks, sounding slightly nervous.
"Not to bad, I prefer your MM something games one more, it's funnier." I say. I can't quite tell what he's feeling. But he looks happier I guess.
"Thanks, so you into playing games and stuff?"
"Sort of, I'm not exactly good at it but I used to play on my brothers PS and XBox when I was younger."
"You good at any games especially?"
"I guess GtaV I like going in cars, and not to sound psycho, but running over the people and starting fights with the public is funny." I say.

Bad thought

Oh God, does he think I'm some creep now. I didn't mean for it to sound that weird.

"I sound like a freak I'm sorry."

"No don't, I do that as well, me and my mates do.Being real with you, it's the funniest thing about the game especially when you make the big truck drivers start fights.."

~time skip to end of having drink~

"Are you doing anything now?" He asks, taking one last sip of his drink.
"Thankfully no, I'm pretty much free for the next few weeks."
"Good, I was wondering if you wanted to come back to the house and play some GTA seeing as you seem to like it."

I wasn't exactly ecstatic to go. He was nice and funny. But I would probably rather go home. However I can't make up any excuse now because I just told him I was free.

"Sure, why not."

"Great. My car is in the underground car park if you want to go now, unless you need to do any more job hunting?"

"I'm alright, we can go now."

Hopefully I wont be there for too long and there won't be to many of them home. Or at least if they are they won't make conversation with me.

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