Telling her

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I go downstairs and run to the kitchen.

" Finally you wake up," said Jake eating cereal. i go up to him and get the bowl and his spoon and start eating.

" Hey! Thats my food," Whinned Jake.

" Too bad, so sad," I said putting a handful of cereal on my mouth."So what am I going to do as a third in command?" I asked excited.

" Ok so you will go to my office and there is this big big notebook it has all the number of the packs in the country you have to call all of them and see if there is any attack if they want any help from our pack so no one dies,ok? I will be doing some Alpha shit while you're doing that kay? Bye L," said Jake walking out through the door.

" Well , this is so exciting," I told myself.

I put the bowl on the sink and walked over to Jakes office.

" L?" asked a cute voice tht could only be Summer's.

I turned around and saw my little sister following me.

" Oh I almost forgot you have School, sorry sis," I said grabbing Summers bag and carefully putting Summers hand on mine.

" Are you forgetting someone?" asked a sleepy voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Dylan. Now he was fully dressed which was a bummer.

" Well c'mon," I said nodding to Dylan.

Summers school was in the woods runned by werewolfs.

Dylan grabbed Summers other hand and Summer started skipping.

After five minutes of comfortable silence we got to Summers school.

" Bye Dwlan," Summer cutely said.

Dylan let go of Sumer hand and me and Summer walked up until Schools front door.

I cruched to be Summers size.

" Summer I need to tell you something," I said looking at Summers Blue eyes.

" Remember when I told I was going to tell you when I had a mate ?" I asked and Summer nooded excitedly already knwing what I was going to tell her.

" Well I found him," I said nervously bitting my lip. Something in Summers eyes sparkled and she started jumping around.

" WHOOOO?" Summer said, well.. more like shouted.

" Dylan," I mumbled. I looked at her and her eyes were as wide as a pandas eyes. She let go of my hands and ran up to Dylan and gave him a hug. I saw her whispering something to Dylan an he smilled and nooded.

Summer quickly came back to me and hugged me. " Dwlans appwoved," I smilled cheekly and gave her her backpack and she ran to he classroom.

I stood up and went over to Dylan and he had an eyebrow up.

" You told her?" Dylan said smirking

" I promised her," I replied.

" Only her?" Dylan asked.

" Autumn kinda figured out but she promised not to tell Jake," I said walking up to the pack house.

" I guess thats for the best," Dylan mumbled and I nooded.

" But this also for the best," Dylan grabbed my wrist and turned me around and crashed my lips onto his.

I could smell his delishious scent of the woods all over him. I could feel the impatiant hungry lips. My arms were on Dylans neck pulling him impossibly closer. His arms were traviling through my body. Everywhere he touched I felt goosebumps and shivered with delight. I hated that he could do some much to me. I had to be on to tip toes because he was like double my size.

i could feel lots of people watching us. I slowly pulled away with bright red cheeks.

I got Dylans hand and walked up to the pack house.

remember you have duties. I told myself

but you want Dylan he is your mate- said my wolf

I have duties. I told my wolf

Dirty duties with Dylan- said my dirty wolf

you are dirty. I replied to my wolf

only with Dylans wolf -said my dirty dirty wolf

I could see what she was thinking and believe me it wasn't pretty. I quickly blocked my wolf and focused on Dylans jaw.

Sooner than I wanted we were home.

" Dylan?" I mubled. He turned to me his eyes sparkling. I felt so guilty that I was the one to take that sparkle away.

" I got to do this thingie magige," I said looking down. I could feel his smile turning into a frown. He nooded and turned to go to his room.

" Dylan wait," I said grabbing his wrist exploding tingles sending through his wrist to my whole body. " Umm.... you can help me? right? I mean your a Alpha and ummm you're good at this shit right?" I asked bitting my lip nervously. I saw the sparkle again smirring on his eyes. I knew his answer even before he told me. He's just that predictable.

" Yes," Dylan said a little too quickly." I mean yeah I'm sorta good with this type of thing," saiid Dylan scratching his neck nervously. I could see his muscles , like he was flexing, but he wasn't even flexing, not even on purpose. He was so hot. He's gonna be the death of me.

I dragged him to Jake's office and smelt before I came in. No one there perfect.

Dylan sat down on Jake's chair and I sat on his lap. I took out the phone number of every single pack of the state and got the phone and typed in the Silver mountains pack number.

After three rings a deep voice picked up. " Hello? This is Jason, beta of the Silver Mountains pack."

Dylan gowled lowly and I just rolled my eyes.

" Hey, I'm L, thrid in command of the Blue bloods pack," I said introducing myself for the first time as thrid in command , it sounded good on my tongue.

" Well, Alpha Jake wanted to know if their is any unusual rogue activity , if you wanted any help, not that you guys need any , it's just," I started rambling and signed." Sorry , you're my first that I called and the first thing that I said was this and I'm a bit new, like a day new in this position and yeah," I looked at Dylan and he looked amusused at my confesion.

Jason started laughing a deep laugh.

" It's ok, well last week we had some unsual rogue activity but we took care of it, but thanks for asking," said Jason.

" No prob, byeee," I said quickly and hanged up. I let a breath out that I didn't even know was in me.

" Calm down you were fine," Dylan said and I looked at him and gave him the look : don't even talk about it.

After about 1 hour of me calling packs I was finally done.

" Well bye Will, thank you for your attention," I said and hanged up.

" I thought being third in command would be fun, but it's just work, god it like it never ends." I mumbled to myself.

" You can't even start with that," said Dylan,

" ALPHA DYLAN!!!" screamed a manly voice somewhere around the kitchen. I knew this house pretty well.

I looked at Dylan confused but he looked mad. He already knew why the perosn was calling him.

I got up from his lap and got his hand and drag him to the voice. Once we got to the voice , it was Finn the beta of some pack that I don't remmber the name. now that I think about it, it was a better option to stay at Jake's office.

" Hi Finn, I thought you left after the announcement," I said bitterly. I was holding down my wolf.

Dylan looked between us two.

" L? You know Finn?" asked Dylan.

" Yep ," I said smiling , bitting the inside of my cheek.

" Well Finn's my Beta," Dylan said smiling.

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