Alpha Nate

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Dylan's chest was going up and down.

Boy was he angry.

"Dylan calm down ," I said placing my hand onto his chest.

His eyes snapped to me and softened.

"That was almost a year ago, why the fuck would he still want me ?" I asked trying to make a joke.

" Because he wants you to marry him, he wants to take away the one thing that is perfect in my life,"said Dylan pulling me to a hug. I felt sparks.

"Dylan he's not going to take me away," I said.

"You just have to tell him that he can't come in your territory." I said simply

Dylan stopped talking for a little.

"Shit," Dylan mumbled.

"Hazel! Jason ! get the scent mask spray!" screamed Dylan with his alpha voice.


Jason and hazel got the scent sprays, 4 to be exact. One in each hand.

They sprayed all of me and all of the house.

Dylan grabbed my hand and pulled me into our room. Why is it that only us have these beautiful situations?

He looked at me and pecked my lips. He was about to close the door to our room but I stopped him.

He looked confused for a minute. I grabbed his necks collars and crashed my lips into his not leaving any space for him to say anything. My lips and his synced together , slowly and then all at once. I could feel him grab my waist and pull me closer to his chest. I was in my tippy toes because he was that tall. Dylan somehow noticed and pulled me up, wrapping my legs around his torso. He pushed me into the room closing it pushing me into a wall.

My hands tangled on his hair. I grabbed his hair and pushed him impossibly closer to me.

Then the unexpected happened. He growled and put me down.

"L, I'm gonna lose control over my wolf, he's here," said Dylan with cold eyes.

"One more kiss?"I asked smiling biting my lip.

Dylan put his thumb over my lips and traced leaving goosebumps all over my arms.

He leaned in and crashed his lips on mine, softly but yet rough. Before it got heated he pulled away making a frown come it's way up my face. His eyes said everything he looked heart broken.

He quickly walked away, opened the door closed it. The last thing I heard was a soft click before going in bed putting my head on Dylan's pillow, his scent calming me.

Then I let the darkness take me.


I hate myself for leaving her in there alone, but I need to protect her.

She's mine and nobodies taking her away from me ever again.

I went downstairs where a guy I used to know stood in front of me.

"Dylan, my man," he said hugging me and patting my back.

'KILL HIM, NOW, HE'S GONNA TAKE WHAT IS OURS AWAY!" screamed my wolf , trying to get out,I blocked him and it took all my willpower to not let him tear Nate to shreds.

"Nate, I missed ya man,"I said clenching my teeth together.

"Not too much though did you? Your hair says it all, who's the whore?" after those words came out of his mouth I could not contain myself I grabbed him by his neck pushing him into the wall.

"DO NOT EVER CALL HER A WHORE, SHE'S MY MATE, "I said with anger, and my alpha command.

"Shit man I didn't know, sorry , where is she?" asked Nate after I put him on his feet.

Shit shit shit.

"She's kinda scared of you guys, she locked herself in our room, said she said wouldn't be able to stop crying if she was with you guys," I said lying smoothly. L would never be scared of this motherfucker.

" Oh ok,"said Nate smirking. " The same thing used to happen with my mate," Nate said lustfully.


'Take deep breaths,' said a soft voice, that could only be L's.

I took two deep breaths and felt a little better.

" Guys search for her everywhere but Alpha Dylan's room , don't get near it,well you can get near it " said Nate smirking making me raise my eyebrow. " But he will probably kill you,"

Nate's pack started searching all around the house trying to get any scent of my beautiful mate. Dumbasses.


" Alpha Nate , we can't get anything , she's not here ," said one of his pack members.

"Oh well , was worth a shot, c'mon guys let's go to Dark Moons Pack, hey Dylan thanks ,"said Nate patting my back.

"Before you go, what's your mate's name ?"I asked clentching my teeth when I said his mate.

"Luiza," said Nate getting in his Black SUV and driving away.

It suits her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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