The Last Straw.

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Time to catch-up; After they played paint-ball , they packed their clothes for the next city. Since the date of this chapter is December 24, 2011, they are going back to L.A. for the holidays execpt Asia and Destiny. As you know they're going back to their home-home.

Asia, Tierra, Destiny, and Taylor's Outfits:

Keke, Nia, Lia, and Amber's Outfit's:

At the airport.

No P.O.V.

Asia: I guess this is good-bye. .

Tierra: No, come here. (Opens arms for hug) Even though both of you pissed me off, I still love you, and you will forever be my big sisters. We've known each other too long to give it up and break apart. (Tears up) And y'all got me cryin'. I don't ever cry. I love you two, don't forget.

Asia and Destiny: (hugs her back) I love you too!

Ray: (Girly voice) Awww! This is so sweet. (Dancin aroung like he has to pee) I wanna hug too.

KeKe: But why you look like you gotta pee thoe' ?

Ray: Cause I do.

Prod: Ever heard of a bathroom?

Ray: Well, I wanted to say good-bye to them smart ass.

Nia: You know you have a smart mouth?

Ray: (shrugs) Who cares.

Lia and Nia: Your an ass.

Taylor: Okay guys. I wanna let you know that you're beast. Ever since I met you I knew we would be like this (crosses index and middle finger). Yeah, we fight, but that's friends do. I love you guys with all my heart, and I just wanna let you know that since we haven't been talkin', I've been throught hell and back. Now come give me a hug.

Asia and Destiny: Awwwee! We love you too! (Hugs Taylor)

Keisha: Guys we need to get on the plane, ASAP.

Everyone: Okay.

Prod: I guess this is good-bye?

Asia: You'll see us around.

After the plane ride

Amber: I'm going to miss you guys.

Taylor: Since we're in the same city, lets meet up Monday. I have gifts for all of you.

Nia and Lia: Really?

Taylor: Yes, that's wha the extra bag is for.

Roc: (smiles) I feel loved.

Keisha: I'm gonna miss you guys. And Amber, make sure you get your cousins, I wanna meet them.

Amber: Yes ma'am!

Keke: (sees a sign with her and Amber's name on it) Guys, we're gone.

Everyone: (hugs Amber and Keke) Bye!

Roc: Well, me and Ray are carpooling, and our ride is here!

Ray: OMG! I get to get all the tacos! Freedom!

Tierra: (laughing) Bye guys.

Roc and Ray: Bye! (leaves)

Lia: (looks at Prince) You know your ride is here?

Prince: (texing on his phone) Mmhhmmm . .

Prod: Then why is the person with the paper finna walk away?

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