We Needa Go...Now

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(Tierra P.O.V.)

ugghhh how do you put these stupid things on? do you put it like this? no that’s not right. wait! how about this? ooh yea i think that’s right. why does this feel so funny? whelp i guess that’s how its supposed to go!

(End Of P.O.V.)

Roc: You know that’s not how its supposed to go right?

Tierra: Uggghhh!

Roc: Well you know you have them on the wrong feet right?

Tierra: (Shh’s him)

Roc: Here lemme help cause you look lost (looking at Tierra’s facial expression) Really lost at that

(She just sits back as he takes off her skates and puts them on the right feet)

Tierra: Ughhh! Im ready to go!

Roc: But you haven’t even skated yet!

Tierra: sooo! Your point is?

Roc: Atleast try before you give up

Tierra: I guess..

Roc: Com’on (he says reaching his hand out to her)

Tierra: (taking his hand) but if i fall dont laugh or ill kill you (looking serious)

Roc: Yess Ma’am!

(They start to enter the floor but they stop)

Roc:Whats wrong?

Tierra: I’m scared!

Roc: Just com’on (he says while skating back wards)

Tierra: You know your supposed to be teaching me not showing off your moves..

Roc: Yes i know

Tierra: I dont wanna do this

Roc: Here (he says while putting his hat on her head)

Tierra: Why’d you do that?

Roc: because that hat (he says pointing to the hat) i only wear it for good luck and i know that if itworks on me and it brought me this far (he said skatingg in a circle) then i know it will do the same for you

Tierra: (Starts to smile)

Roc: Are you gonna try now?

Tierra: (looking down) i dunno…

Roc: (lifting her head so she can she his puppy dog face) PWEAASSSEEEE!

Tierra: I guess (She starts to step out on the skate floor but falls)


Tierra: I swear when i get up im gonna kill you!


Tierra: what who’s that?

Roc: Who’s Who? (turning his head)

Tierra: Hahahaha Nothing (Pushing Roc To Make Him Fall then punches him)

Roc: Owwwwwww!

Tierra: who’s laughing now pretty boy?

Roc: me (trips her and makes her fall) Bahahahaha!

Tierra: Ohh Its Funny Huh?


(They are both on the ground )

Scene: Every body is up skating exept for Tierra and Roc..

(Tierra and Roc are sittting on the bench talking then all of a sudden they hear noises coming from the bath room)

Tierra: Heyy did you hear that!?

Roc: Yea it sounded like it came from the bath room

Tierra: But no one should be in there cause (sanding up) Ray and Asia are skating together , Destiny and Prod are skating together and Prince is skating trying to catch up with Taylor (sitting back down)

Roc: well who can be in there?

Tierra: i dont know.. lets go see

Roc: (studdering) i-i-i dunno about that (looking scared)

Tierra: (standing up) Hahahaha! ARE YOU SCARED!?

Roc: A-a-a-a Little

Tierra: well here (taking off the hat and putting it on his head while smiling)

Roc: (smiling) thanks

Tierra: your welcome and you outta be lucky i didnt call you a wuss

Roc: watever just com’on

Tierra: comingg

(They go torwards the bathroom now they are standing in front of the door)

Tierra: Whispering do you hear that?

Roc: Whispering yea be quiet so we can hear what they are saying

(They put their ear’s against the door to listen)

Inside the bathroom

G1: Here take this and throw it in the toilet so that it can explode (handing G2 a bomb)

G2: But this can kill them!

G1: Duhhhh! what do you think we’re here for!?

G2: we’re here to get revenge but killing them is not getting revenge thats murder and once i put it in there it can blow both of us up!

G1: ohh so now you wanna become all smart

G2: I was smart before Vannessa

Vannessa: Didnt Seem like it!

Outside the door

Tierra: Roc Im Scared We Needa Go NOW!

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