i. martin

506 31 0

everyone was already,
bothering ash,
an hour after he said,
he left the house.

he would reply occasionally,
to tell them to,
'shut the fuck up'.

he didn't seem,
to be in a good mood.

that was apparent when,
he asked us to hang out after.

when they asked,
why not now?

he said, ava is,
going to hate me.

and would probably,
burst into tears,
if all of you showed up,
so suddenly.

since she's so afraid of guys,
especially, in large groups,
and strangers.

what i thought was,
how cute for someone,
that is rumored,
to be so fierce,
can be so fragile.

but all of them thought,
'aww, look at,
ash caring after his date.'

'it's not a date!'

as if.

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