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in the end,
the blooming flower,
wilted without,
care and attention.

in the end,
her attention,
was only,
on him;
who left,
a word.

in the end,
his attention,
was only,
on her;
who didn't,
look at him,

they were,
of amiss.

a relationship,
that could have been,
but didn't,
because she made,
the wrong choices;
because he didn't,
gather his courage.

he was left,
with 'what if's.

she was left,
with 'if only's.

he was left,
with a love,
that couldn't,
be returned.

she left,
the love,
that she could,
return to him.

they could have been,
but they didn't become,
anything significant,
because he was cowardly;
because she was blind.

in the end,
if you ever,
have a flower,
within you,
go on,
and try.

or else,
only 'what if's,
would accompany,
your lonely heart,
and everything,
can become,

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