doorframe had to make sure that the grime reaper got his request in at least the next 100 years. so at night, when everyone in hell is asleep except for doorframe because he doesn't sleep because he's a cyborg, he planned the break in to the grime reaper's office.
"ok,, i will have to go in there and be fast and quickly dumb all the papers in the lava pool so he only does my request to get mario cart." said doorframe said doorframe said. then he breaked in.
he quickly grabbed all 8953 pounds of the grime reaper's processes papers and put them in his bucket. then he threw the bucket in the lava pool so the people suffering could read the papers. "it will make there suffring less because they can read stuff" he decided. then he added a note to the grime reaper's desk.
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"only get mario cart for doorframe singed uncle satan" said the message. this will definitely get the grime reaper to get my present." it was the perfect plan ever.