[Chapter three]

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*bows* so this chapter hasnt got much Malfoy in but theres alot of Drama...especially toward the end.


[Chapter three]

Leona and I giggled shyly as Oliver steered us away from the school 'bullies'. I could feel his hand pressing intensely to my back, how it got there I don't know but I'm pretty sure it'll be burned into my skin. He was rather handsome. I couldn't help but peak up at him as we made our way onto the bustling courtyard. His hair was perfectly styled in a short array, his dark eye's sparkled with humour and his accent...oh god that accent!

Now can you see how gushy I am when it comes to him?

I hid the blush on my cheeks well.

“Thanks Oliver, he's such a pest doing that to Grace ” Leona smiled up at him with ease.

The girls a genius! How does she do that I wonder....

“Yeah...thank you” Oh that wasn't bad...the pause was a little awkward but I managed to smile without making myself look like an idiot.

“No problem. I actually like putting that ferret in his place, he's such an arrogant bast-”

“Oh hey Harry!” Leona called over his shoulder quickly, flashing me an impatient smile and hurrying off to an unexpected 'friend'. I watcher her walk away silently fuming. Why do girls do that to you? Leave you with your crush thinking it's going to help!? Bloody mad I tell you.

“So Grace what lesson do you have now?” He asked.

I felt the urge to just walk away. “Erm I have a free period. Thought I would get some homework done” I mumbled.

“Homework on the first day!? That's tough” He chuckled while looking down at the floor, his bag draped carelessly over his shoulder.

“Yeah...Snape sure does know how to welcome us back” He liked that, he looked up with a big toothy smile that froze me to the spot.

“Oh it's potions. I'm not one to brag but I sure know a lot about it, want some help? I haven't got a lesson till after lunch?”

Oliver and Grace sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G first came love then came...

I ignored the irritating rambling in my head and looked at him, no longer blushing I bit my lip trying to calm my sudden heavy breathing.

“Are you sure? I don't want to bother you or anything-”

“Of course, shall we go to the common room?”

I smiled at him. It was getting easy, it wasn't so hard to look at him and he sure as hell made me feel comfortable.


When he said he knew a lot about potions he was lying...he knew absolutely loads! I've learnt more from him than I have these past three years, he was really understanding when I told him that Snape was a stuck up grease ball that liked to make my life hell. I think my affection for him grew when he agreed. When we where alone and there was actually a reason to be alone I was fine around him, I didn't stutter, mumble, whisper, blush or anything of that. I was just confident Grace.

Oh to soon he had to leave me to go to Quidditch practice. We both parted with big smiles, he to the boys dorms to go change and I to go find Leona so I could gush to her about our study 'date'.

Eww! It's like one of those cheesy muggle films.

I found her and Kris soon enough, they where arguing over a Herboligy assignment they had just received. Leona clocked eye's on me and smiled.

“How was your free period?” she grinned at me, much like a Cheshire cat.

I bit my lip before answering “It was interesting”

“Interesting? Just interesting!? Girl I want all the details”

Kris rolled his eye's at me and pulled a funny face behind her back. I snorted.

“He helped me with my potions assignment big deal”

“Grace! C'mon tell me the rest...surely you didn't just study?”

“Yes we did”

“Leona she isn't like you! She wont snog anyone that pays her the littlest attention.”

“WHAT!? Says you who's like the males version of-”

I cut her off before she said something she would regret “Oh look there's a three headed peacock!”

“What? Where!?” Kris asked.

I laughed, turned on my heel and made my way to next lesson.

“She thinks she sooo funny!”

“Tell me about it!”

“Stupid woman!”

“Stupid unfunny woman!”

They both laughed together. How annoying.

What is he staring at? Merlin I knew he was a little weird but this is really weird.

Theodore Nott was staring at me, well when I say staring I mean glaring so hard his eyeballs might fall out but that's not the point. The point was what had I done to him to deserve his 'full' attention.

“What do you think Nott's staring at me for?” I whispered to Leona as she scribbled on her parchment. She looked up slyly, looked at him and looked back down.

“He's weird”. Oh that helped.

I was about to shrug it off and get back to my note's when a ball of parchment skidded across the table and landed perfectly in my lap. I looked around to make sure the teacher wasn't looking and when I felt safe enough I opened it up.

Gasping in pure horror I dropped it. My eye's flashed with the disgusting image that moved on the bewitched parchment.

I in a very artistic drawing was lay on a classroom floor with blood puddled around my head. My hair wispy in the red blood almost making the whiteness of my face stand out. Everything about the evil drawing looked like me.

I dropped the paper to the desk.

“Grace? What's wrong, whats that?”

Before her fingers could get to the paper I picked it up and stuffed it into my pocket.

“Nothing just some idiot sending me a note...” She looked at me quizzically, quil in hand and everything.

“What did it say?”

“Oh the usual. What's up Gryffindork?” I faked a laugh and turned away.

The word terrified didn't fit how I felt right now.

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