[Chapter twenty five]

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[Chapter twenty five]

My mother really took things badly. I had received at least thirteen letters demanding answers to what had happened even though Professor McGonagall has visited her at our home to explain I was fine. Bloody woman never stops worrying about me! I sent her a letter, complete babble telling her how well Im doing.

“She's just being a mother”

“Urgh it's damn right annoying” I complained to Oliver who was cradling me In his arms next to the common room fire. He chuckled, a light hearted chuckle that put a smile on my face and then he kissed me. I would never get used to how sweet they where. They were so teasingly sweet sometimes I just wanted him to pick it up a notch..though I was fine with how things where.


As he pulled away I almost giggled at the dazed look on his handsome face. I had only kissed two boys so it was a relief to know I wasn't bad.

“I don't think I'll ever get used to that” he mumbled, bending his head so he could take a nip at my bottom lip. I giggled.

“Hmm I could say the same for you Mr” I grinned. Things were so easy with us, so natural it was really nice.

Boring more like.

I really did hate that inner thought sometimes. Shaking my head ever so slightly I reached up to put my fingers through his hair (it was so soft) but he flinched, he flinched from my touch.

I didn't know whether to flinch back myself, with embarrassment of course.

“Im sorry, did I do something wrong?” I mumbled.

“No, No! Ofcourse not it's just...”

“Just?” I swallowed hard, did I really want to know? I wasn't good with the serious stuff and I had this feeling in my stomach telling me to pull on my big girl pants.

“I have to tell you something”

“Oh?” That was okay I guess! It meant he was flinching away from me because he didn't find me attractive...I hope.

“Your not going to like it one bit” I didn't like the deep voice, serious voice coming from his lips. The defensive stare was what got me the most.

“Please just tell me” I pleaded.

He signed, turned away from me and began rubbing his long fingers through his bronze locks. I must of done something! Maybe he had found out. Oh lord please don't let it be that. The air around us was like electricity.

“You know Cho Chang?” he mumbled

“Yeah the pretty ravenclaw?” I wasn't quiet grasping at what I was saying. I was going to regret those words.

He looked up at me and ground his jaw. Was my face really showing what I was feeling. Damn I hated being an open book. Blocks of information where falling into place. I was rebuilding a wall with them.

“I'm so sorry Grace!” he blurted.

I felt like I had been hit in the chest with a bludger.

Oh convenient seeing as he plays Quiddtich.

I was trying to breathe but it wasn't meant to be. Tears of pain and relief flew down my cheeks to land on my lap. He really didn't have to spell it out but I needed to know.

“Don't cry! Please don't cry. I'm really sorry I don't know what happened, one minute we where talking about Quidditch and the next we where kissing. It was one kiss and I regret it. Oh Grace!”

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