[Chapter seventeen]

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[Chapter seventeen]

I had never seen that kind of look on my best friends faces, it was of clear, thick disappointment. I wanted at this very moment to shield away from it, like a vampire to the sun light but I had no where to run so I just stared back, taking a numb feeling inside of me to protect my feelings. I would scorch in it if I didn't.

“What? You want to give up?” Leona asked, as if her ears had deceived her.

I nodded as a tear slid from my right eye, I herd it drop to the floor. I bit my lip numbly. Never in my life had I been a person for violence or a person that craved danger! No Instead I was the conventional type that liked to spend her days doing things that actually mattered. These past weeks I have gone through stuff nobody should in there whole life but they didn't see it, would they ever see how scared I am? Would they look past this idiotic war and see there friend suffering, there friend suffering so much she felt like she was drowning in her own tears.

“But where winning Grace!” Oliver yelled. No of course no, they would never see it.

My boyfriend was yelling at me, sweet Oliver had his lips pulled back in a sneer as he yelled at me. My beautiful boyfriend was yelling at me.

“Yeah Grace, look we nearly have them cracked just one more-”

“No” I whispered, finally breaking through the bubble that was protecting me briefly. Kris blinked, startled by the shakiness of my voice. “I'm scared, where all scared, I don't want to do this and Im pretty damn sure nobody 'else does so I WILL go to Malfoy tomorrow and tell him it's over”

I saw that Oliver was going to reach over to touch me but I stepped back, my own sneer touching upon my face as I looked up at him.

“You cant stop me” And with those final words I turned on my heel and marched back to the common room.

Yes, I cried the whole way up there.

[Down in the common room, nobody's P.O.V]

“She just cant do that!” Ron Weasley yelled.

“Well she does have a point Ron, it's getting to risky now and people are getting hurt. It's best we quit before any serious damage is committed” Hermoine jumped in to defend Grace who right now was upstairs crying into her pillow. Hermoine Granger had suffered just as much as anyone in the war, they always targeted her because of how clever she was, they saw her as a threat.

“Yeah Hermoines right” Harry added, thoughtful and also concerned about other things.

“But where winning! Can nobody else see that?” Kris seethed.

“You said that last week and we clearly weren't!” The patil twins hissed from over the common room, there shot hair bobbing as they glared at the young man on the sofa. “And look at us! Do you think this is winning? We all look like we've just escaped Azkaban”

Harry Potter flinched.

“The Slytherins look so much worse!” Dean Thomas argued. He refused to listen to them! He liked this war, loved it so much it was worth the permanent wedgie Flint had hexed him with earlier in the day. Shuffling painfully he went and sat by the small group that where all for the war carrying on...some stood in the middle of the room not quite sure on what to do while the others who where fed up with the war where on the opposite wall.

“This is all her damn fault! That bloody Wayward has caused this, just look at us we actually used to be pretty civilized-”

“Shut up Creevy!” Oliver jumped up readily to defend his girlfriend who was very angry at him.

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