[Chapter four]

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[Chapter four]

The bell rang, I jumped, grabbed my bag and darted for the door leaving a whirl wind behind me. Leona screamed my name but I pretended not to hear her. How sick could someone get? I had nasty notes passed to me like that but that one that was now laying in the bottom of my robe pocket. I had looked around the classroom, trying to make eye contact with anyone who could of sent it but everyone was paying attention.

I felt sick.

I pushed past a third year, my hand reaching out for the wall when a foot shot out, tripping me up and oddly I fell backwards. A snivel of snide laughter met my ears. I blushed furiously as I looked up at the face of Draco Malfoy.

“What are you doing down there Wayward?” he sneered.

“Oh why don't you ask your foot?” I spat back, pushing my long hair from eye's and grabbing my bag. I stood up.

He laughed, his head lolling back as If I had said the funniest thing in the world. I Scoffed and turned.

“ Wood not following you today?” He asked while keeping his distance. I raised an eyebrow at this, why the hell was this creep following me? I picked up my pace silently cursing the sparse population of students in the hall I had took to go down.

“Get lost ferret” I snapped not bothering to look at him. If he dared try and curse me I would

kill him.

He growled as his well known nickname “Touchy! Come on brave Gryffindork face me” he taunted.

I shook my head.

Rise above it Grace, he's just trying to get your back up.

“Aw can't wittle wayward handle a little confrontation?” he laughed. His laugh hurt my ears, it was so infuriating I actually felt my hands twitch into fists but I locked my limbs, I would rise above him!

“Go play with someone else Malfoy” I called.

“Play? I don't think so. I just find it amusing when you dorks get what you deserve”

I turned on that, my hair whipped him in the face, he flinched back shielding his eye's from the strands of my hair.

“Just go away you idiot! I don't want to play your sick little games so do as a good boy and fuck off!”

His face twisted into an angry snarl, he pulled out his wand within a flash and pointed it to my chest. I didn't like this atall. I hadn't done anything to him had I? I just been tripped up and here he was pointing his wand at me like I was the one about to stun him.

“You have such a nasty mouth. Tell me Wayward what would your-”

“Malfoy is that you?” We both froze. Mine was out of fear, one of his friends has just come by the corridor we where arguing in. Blaise Zabini (Just found out his name is spelt Zabini :/ ) was now making his way towards us.

“What's going on?” he eyed me with disgust. I almost glared at him back.

“Wayward here is getting too big for her boots” Malfoy smirked at me. I scoffed angrily but didn't bother to push my luck. I was out numbered here, everyone knew that it meant bad news especially if it was against the Slytherins, they where brutal and I didn't fancy going to the hospital wing with extra limbs.

“Urgh man your wasting your time” how odd. What did he mean by that? I shrugged it off and turned away. I herd light angry mumbles as I left them behind.

I caught up with Leona and explained my weird 'argument' with Malfoy but she saw nothing interesting it and started to question me about my quick departure to which I replied with some lame excuse and she seemed to swallow it without any more questions.

I sighed in relief.

“You know I was talking to Lavender and she's invited us both up to her dorm tonight for a sleepover, I said we would go up...”

“Oh Leona!” I mumbled, dropping my head into my hands while rubbing my temples.

“Aw C'mon it'll be fun plus we don't really have anything to do tonight, right?”

I was just about to argue with her when she cut me off.

“Seriously Grace your turning into a geek.”

I pouted at that. I was not a geek I just took pride in my grades.

“Fine but if it gets a little to much then Im out of there! Okay?”

Leona laughed joyfully while grabbing my hand and pulling me up to our dorm.

My mind still on my little drawing that was crunched up in my pocket...still moving.

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