The Man In Manhattan

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*This had been the longest week ever and Carrie and I had been dying to get to Manhattan! Carrie had managed to convince her dad that she would be staying at my house and my parents were never around so I was in the clear. Carrie’s new boss had invited us to a costume party and I was all for dressing up and having fun!!

Carrie: “Are you ready Walt?”

Me: “All set!”

Carrie: “Okay we have 30 minutes to get to the train station. Bye Maggie, Mouse, and Sebastian.”

Maggie: “Bye.” “Walt babe I love you and hurry back.”

Walt: “I will Mag.”

Sebastian: “I really think this is a bad idea but hope you have fun Bradshaw.”

Carrie: “I will and don’t worry I’ll be back in no time.”

Mouse: “Guys hurry back we don’t want to have to lie to parents when they start to figure things out!”

*Carrie and I head to the station all ready for the party. We had our costume all set. Carrie was Princess Diana and I was her shitty husband, Charles. We arrived and it was nothing like we have ever seen before. You could tell you were in Manhattan.

Larissa: “CARRIE!”

Carrie: “Omg Larissa this party is amazing!’’

Larissa: “Who is this sexy fellow, Sebastian?”

Walt:  “Haha”

Carrie: “No this is my bestiest friend in the world, Walt,”

Larissa: “Well hello there Darling.”

Walt: “Hello Gorgeous!”

Larissa: “Wow he’s quite the charmer.” “Let me introduce you two to my best friend and one of the coolest guy in the world.” “BENNETT!”

Bennett: “Well what do know, the royal couple has arrived!”

Carrie & Walt: “Hey!”

Larissa: “Bennett here is one the best writer at the office.”

Walt: “Wait you’re Bennett, like page 2 in the Magazine Bennett?”

Bennett: “Why yes that is me...I’m shocked anyone notices.”

Walt: “Are you kidding me your columns are amazing.”

Bennett: “Thank you that mean a lot to me.”

Larissa: “Okay you guys time to have some fun.”

Carrie: “What is this?”

Larissa: “Hydrocodone!” “Drink it with a beer.”

Carrie: “Are you su..?”

*I was ready to have fun so I just swallowed mine and washed it down with some beer!”

Carrie: Walt are you serious?”

Walt: “What?” “We came here to have fun and that what we are going to do so just take and let’s have some serious fun Bradshaw!”

Bennett: “That’s the spirit, let me so you around.”

Walt: “Okay!”

Carrie: “Walt!?!”

Walt: “I’ll catch up with you later Bradshaw.”

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