Cinderella Man II

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*Bennet POV
I woke up the next morning and there I lied with Maggie in my arms. She had a smile on her face and I could tell that she was in heaven. My stomach turned at the thought Maggie being in love with me and I'm in live with someone else and someone I barely knew. Most of all that someone was another Man.
Maggie: Good morning baby
Walt: Hey did you sleep?
Maggie: Wonderful.  *climbs on top of Walt* The way you made love to me last night was beyond amazing. I have never felt so in love the way I do now.
Walt: Love ya baby.  *kisses Maggie*


Carrie: Hey mouse
Mouse: Hey Carrie... have you heard from Walt because I need to ask him something.
Carrie: No. I was just about to ask you. Things for crazy last night and I called to check on him and he never answer. I didn't want to call Maggie and alarm her.
Mouse: OMG What the he'll happened last night. This is the very reason I don't do parties.
Carrie: Yea but I really need to speak to Walt. I haven't seen Walt or Maggie.
Mouse: Well maybe they..
Bennet:  CARRIE!!!
Carrie: Bennet. OMG What are you doing here?
Bennet: I was looking for Walt. I  need to give Walt something.
Carrie: Oh. I can give it him I know Larrisa might need you back at the office.
Bennet:  Is he not here?
Carrie:  No he hasn't made it yet.
Bennet: Well I can wait
Carrie: Um ok
Bennet: I will see you later

*Bennet POV
I came all the way down hoping that I could talk to Walt.  Besides giving him back his glove, I just needed to see his face again. I needed to feel his lips again.

Bennet:  OMG Hey I've been looking for you.
Maggie:  *clears throat*
WALT: Sorry this is my girlfriend Maggie who I am very much in love with.
Bennet: Thats great. You left something and I was just returning it.
Maggie: *kisses WALT* Baby I'm going to head to class. It was nice meeting you Bennet.
Bennet:  Nice meeting you too.
**Maggie Walks Away**
Walt: OMG have you lost your mind. How dare you show up to my school?
Bennet: It's not a big deal. I Just needed to see you. I hate the way things ended the last time I saw you and I just wanted to apologize.
Walt: This is ridiculous.  First you had the audacity to kiss me and then you show up to my school. Why are you doing this to me.
Bennet: I know I have No Right to be here. I needed to see you, to apologize. I shouldn't have kissed you.
Bennet:  Sorry but that wasn't just some ordinary kiss the other night. You can't honestly say that it didn't feel......special.
Walt: It felt forced.  That's What it felt like Bennet.
Bennet: Nobody forced you to kiss me and you held that kiss just as long as I did. I know that it's seems scary but this is not you.  She is not for you. You're in denial.
Walt: Maybe you're the one in denial. I am in love with a Girl named Maggie. You need to get that in your head Bennet. *stars to walk off*
Bennet: Wait! You left this last night. *hands Walt his glove* I'm sorry Walt. Goodbye.

Walt's POV
The man I had been thinking about non stop was walking away from me and it was all my fault. He was right. This wasnt the real me. Seeing him walk away made me want nothing more than to have him standing here in arms reach. I clenched the glove tight in my hand wishing it was his hand. My thought of Bennet was thrown off by the sound of Maggie's voice.
Maggie: Baby what's wrong
Walt: Oh Hey. Nothing he was returning my glove and we got to talking about Carrie and how good her article was and tine just flew by.
Maggie:  Oh Yea....Well you missed English and I'm heading to lunch off campus with Carrie and Mouse. You coming?
Walt: um..nah. I need to talk to Mrs. Wilkerson's. I'm sure she's wondering why I missed class.
Maggie: OK well I will see you later. *kisses Walt*
Walt: OK babe

I needed to see Bennet. I needed to talk to him. I refuse to let things end this way. So I hoped in my car and headed to downtown New York which was an hour drive to Larissa's office.
* In Larissa's Office*

Larissa: Hey you!

Walt: Hey...I was looking for you.

Larissa: Where is Carrie.. you two are joined at the hip.

Walt: Oh yea she's st school. Im looking for Bennet.

Larissa: Well well well. I k we you two would hit it off.

Walt: Its not like that. I just needed to give him something.

Larissa: He's gone for today. I can give you his number if you want?

Walt: um sure

Larissa: There. His address is on their too just in case. *winks and walks off*

Walt: Um thanks Larissa

*4 Hours later and Walt is in his room*


I lied in bed thinking of Bennet. His silky black hair, his chocolate brown eyes, and his perfect jaw line. I lied there imagining Bennet at the foot of my bed looking down at me. Him climbing on to my bed slowly pushing my shirt up and planting little kisses as he went on. I became hard at the thought of it all. I loomed over at my desk at the card that Larissa had given me and I decided to pay Bennet a visit.

*Bennet walkes around his apartment daydreaming until he is interuppted by a knock on the door. When he opens the door there stands Walt.

Bennet: Walt! Hi what are you doing here.

Walt: I wanted to come and apologize for my attitude earlier. I was just frustrated and shocked to see you.

Bennet: I understand. I didn't mean to kiss you the other night.

Walt: Its OK. Every since our kiss I can't stop thinking about. This is all new to me and its scary as hell.

Bennet: *touches Walt's face* Baby I know. I know the feeling. You won't go through this alone. I'll be right here with u.

Walt: *tear falls down his face* You promise?

Bennet: I promise. *kisses Walt passionately *

* glove falls from Walt's pocket*

Bennet: haha this thing again. Can I put it on you this time?

Walt: Of course *grins shyly *

Bennet: *slids glove on* haha. Kiss me again.

*Bennet was so happy to have Walt in his arms. He was so in love. He was happy to be reunited with his Cinderella man.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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