Manhattan Here We Come

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I rushed out the door to pick up Maggie, the love of my life (I think). Maggie and I have been dating for a year and yes we are off and on like every other week but I can’t imagine myself with any other girl.

Maggie: “Good morning Babe”

Me: “Morning Babe” * kisses Maggie”

Me: “Babe did you hear about Carrie’s phone call from In Style Magazine?”

Maggie: “Yea lucky for her”

Maggie starts kissing down my neck and grabbing my dick. Don’t get me wrong I love Mag but I wasn’t really feeling up to right not.

Me: “Mag babe C’mon”

Maggie: “What’s your problem?”

Me: “Nothing I’m trying to focus on the road”

Maggie: “Right!” “Is this another one of your Bullshit excuses to not make out with me?”

Me: “No I told your I’m trying to drive”

Maggie: “Who is she?”

Me: “What?”

Maggie: “The bitch you’re so invested in?”

Me: “Maggie you are over reacting and need to calm down. It’s too early in the morning and I don’t have time for this!”

Maggie: “You don’t seem to have time for anything concerning me!”

Me: “Okay whatever”

Maggie: “Asshole!!”

I didn’t blame Maggie for the way she felt, I was her boyfriend and I was pushing her away. Truth is, I didn’t know why. I just wasn’t up for making out or making love. What is tired of Maggie? We pulled up to the school and Maggie jumped out and slammed my door hard enough to take it off the damn hinges.

Me: “Mag calm down!” “Today is a big day for Carrie and we don’t need to walk in there all mad with our ass on our shoulders!”

Maggie: Don’t fucking tell me what to do! I know you’re screwing around on me and Imma find out who the hell it is!

Me: “Babe please there is no one else.” “I tell you what if you drop this and play nice..we will TONIGHT!”

*kisses Maggie on her neck*

Me: Please! Be a good girl for me. We both know how you enjoy the makeup sex!

Maggie: *Giggles* “whatever you loser!”  “Promise?”

Me: “Promise!”

We made our way through the screaming crowd of Seniors to Carrie’s Locker! There she stood between Mouse screeching something about Harvard and Sebastian complaining about his low life dad.

Me: “Hey Guys!”

Carrie: “Where the hell have you two been?” “Did you stop to have a quickie?”

Maggie: “I wish!”

Me: “Mag!”

Maggie: “What?”

Carrie: “Ok you guys so this I got a call from Larissa.”

Sebastian: “La-who?”

Carrie: “Larissa!” “She is the Editor in Chief at In Style and she call and offered me an internship there!”

Everyone but Sebastian: “Yea!”

Sebastian: “But that is in Manhattan!”

Carrie: “It’s no big deal and it’s not that far and I’ve always wanted to see Manhattan.”

Sebastian: “Carrie you already have a internship at the Office and how are you going to tell your dad?”

Mouse: “Yea Carrie?”

I could see Carrie had not thought all of that through yet and just wanted someone to be happy for her after all the was the biggest Magazine ever!

Me: “Okay guys let’s just be happy she got the call.” “What high school student, especially a Junior gets an offer like this?”

Carrie: *Smiles at Walt*

Me:* Smiles back at Carrie*

Maggie: *Frowns*

Maggie: “Well I have to get class, Bye!”

Everyone: “Oh yea!” “Bye”

Carrie and I head to our Statistics class.

Carrie: What’s going on with Maggie she seems upset?

Me: “She’s been acting like a wild animal. Every five minutes she wants to have sex.”

Carrie: “Well can you blame her you are a stud muffin!”

Me: “Haha. You are quite the comedian Carrie B!”

Me: “I am a stud muffin aren’t I?”

Carrie: *Giggles* “Yes you are!”

Carrie: “What should I do about the internship?”

Me: “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Carrie. Take it! I will be behind you no matter what.”

Carrie: “Really?”

Me: “Shoot yea!”

Carrie: “What about the intern at my dad’s office?”

Me: “Just tell your dad that you are getting a little behind in Stat and that you are going to take those hours and spend them with a tutor.”

Carrie: “That’s a great idea Walt. You’re the best!”

Me: “I Know!”

Carrie: “We you come to Manhattan with me?”

Me: “Of Course!”


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