Chapter Eleven

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Heeeyyyyyy, guys! Sorry I haven't updated in, like, FOREVER, but chappy 11 is finally here now, so lucky you! So I just checked my reads and I'm amazed...73, you guys!!!!! Thank you so, sooo muchhhh!!!!! Oh, and this chappy is dedicated specifically to one of my closest, bestest sisters, Momo! She's been by far my biggest fan in the making of UL and I just had to mention her :3 Go ahead and read her Ahhh---mazinnnng books, plus follow this awesome chica and make friends with her (coz you don't wanna get on her bad side, trust me). Her user is @MorganEvergreen. Luh yaaaaahhhh:)


        Harry sat on the floor of the attic, curled up like a child. He was looking at nothing, but thought about everything. He felt absolutely horrid about what Mrs. Trulli had done to Katrina, and even worse at the fact he could do nothing about it. He was cold, but too consumed in his thoughts to grab a blanket. Slowly, his eyelids were drooping and his emerald irises were disappearing behind them. Soon, he was fast asleep on the dusty wood floor of the attic, snoring away.


          Harry heard a high-pitched scream; strangled, scratchy and terribly familiar. His neck craned to the sound, worry gathering in his mind. Then he began running; running to help the source of the cry. As he rushed to whoever it was he was saving, another one of the sounds bounced off the cement walls surrounding him. He looked ahead, but saw nothing but grey, gravelly cement. To the left, the same as the right: wall. There was nowhere to go, nothing to help the person in need. Their name was on the tip of Harold’s tongue, the word he loved so much and dreaded allowing to be hurt. There was only one person the endless screams belonged to, and that person was Katrina.

          Katrina, the same person that had given him her most prized possession in fear she’d never see him again. Katrina, the same person that had kissed him so carefully; the same person that he allowed to run her dainty, beautiful fingers through his hair. Katrina; the same person that he desperately needed to save right now. His green eyes darted back and forth, attempting to find an escape. No such luck was in his favor, though. Harry sighed, shaking his head of the meshed thoughts that it was filled with.

          “Katrina!” The name escaped his full pink lips before he even thought about it, and the girl only continued to scream, the place she was coming from unknown. He let out an exasperated sigh, a headache forming from thinking so hard. He put his fingers to his temples, rubbing in small circles to rid of the ache. His eyebrows were knit together in thought, and a focused expression shone on his pale face in the dim lighting of the alley.

          “Kat?” he called again unsurely, looking around once again. “Calm down, it’s alright. I’m coming to save you!” As if she hadn’t heard his calls, Katrina’s voice continued crying out painfully. It killed Harry to hear her like that, but there was nothing he could do about it.

          The cackle of a crow bellowed next, pausing the screams for a moment. When Harry looked up to the sound, a jet black bird flew dangerously low. Its sharp beak split into two, the mouth making it look as though it was calling out. After the evil laugh finished, no more sound was heard, but the crow’s beak remained open. And the screeching began again.

          Harry marveled at the bird, trying to figure out what it was doing. It didn’t just pass him by, either. Circling him, the crow seemed to be the source of what he thought to be Katrina’s screams.

          Wait, he thought, this can only be a dream. It’s not real. It’s not real, he repeated to himself. And then an idea popped into his head. He imagined a shining light bulb illuminating the dark alley, showing off his intelligence. It was his dream; therefore he could create what he wanted.

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