Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

They were outside in the cold, the air whistling around everyone in England Institution’s beautiful garden. Katrina's group stood in many different places, fighting with another from the institution's side. It was all too loud, and no one seemed to notice Katrina grab the gun she had been hiding inside her pocket all this time. She wasn’t even going to use the killing thing, but she found it a perfect prop to scare people off. Mrs. Trulli stepped forward silently, confronting her.

"You know, you're not going to win, Katrina. You never will. Nice try though, I must say. You had me fooled for quite some time. But do you really think someone's going to believe someone, a helpless child, who sees ghosts? Ha. You're better off giving up." Katrina glared back, digging her heels into the dirt of the ground.

"You will see. Or better yet, you won't!" she replies hastily, lifting the gun up and in front of her. She tightly grips the cold piece of metal. Her index finger nestled onto the trigger, ready to be pulled.

Should she pull it and end the fight once and for all?

Should she put it down now and forget she ever held such a horrible device?

Katrina didn’t know.

Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes from the heat of the moment, and carefully, silently, they streamed down Katrina's face. She felt as though she could faint from the pressure. How much she hated this woman, no one else could ever describe. And maybe it all shouldn’t happen this way, maybe there was another thing that she could do to end the horrors of England Institutions. But in that moment, she wasn’t thinking. Her mind was set on one thing and one thing only: she was ending it all today, no matter how gruesome or stupid it did end.

Everything was about to come crashing down with just one bullet, and Katrina was the one behind all of it. At that moment she wasn’t really aware of what she was doing, just that the woman in front of her had caused her pain, and it was time for her to pay for it. A small bead of sweat made its way down her forehead, and she took a moment to wipe it off quickly with her left hand. Everyone looked at her, pausing their fighting for a moment to watch the scene in front of them. They were shocked that she would think of doing such a thing as she had in mind. The nose of the deadly weapon pointed directly at Mrs. Trulli, and each of the people around her stepped back one by one. The place was all too silent for miles around, and only heavy, uneven breathing from Katrina's nervous peers could be heard.

"No, Katrina. You don't have to do this," Zander pleaded, finally gaining the courage to speak. The tension in England Institution’s beautiful garden was thick enough to cut with a knife. Zander’s his eyes glistened with unfallen tears as Katrina shook her head sharply, not even throwing a glance his way. Her voice came out in a hoarse, scratchy manner as she replied.

"Yes I do. It's time to end this once and for all. I'm going home." It hadn’t even occurred to Katrina that when she did get the chance to leave, she didn’t have a home to return to. Where was she to go? How would she be able to live with the thought of murdering someone? But it had to be done. Katrina’s hands were shaking as the thought entered her mind. It had to be done. Mrs. Trulli hadn't looked a bit shocked the entire time, though underneath the tough exterior she was shaking up a storm.

"Then do it," she smirked evilly, "I dare you." And so she did. Ignoring the argumentative thoughts racing her mind, Katrina pulled the black trigger, the loud scream of a gun echoing through all their ears. Her eyes were closed tightly, to block out the sight murdering this awful woman would be paired with.

Trulli's hands, clutched in two fists by her sides, trembled from the sound, though felt absolutely nothing. After a moment of shocked silence, Katrina forced her grey eyes open. In front of her lay the dead, unconscious body of the owner of England Institutions. Blood fell around her, gushing streams into the soil. The gash in her head appeared so quickly, she didn't have time to feel anything before she was finally gone. Each of the people who had worked for her now stepped back in terror, for they had the horrid thought that one of them was next.

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