03 | for the love of surprises

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THE SUN RISES AS A CANOPY OF GOLD, bright amid the blue, bidding the stars to take their nightly rest. As darkness surrenders, every colour changes from tinges of charcoal to a vibrancy.

There are days Selena wonders what people give in return for such gifts of divine magic; perhaps it is their love, perhaps they radiate it into space; maybe that is their connection to creation beyond the borders of their world, their reality.

Possibly inside she too is gold, a bright flame that burns for another kind. For her, that's a thought as warm as any bright new day, one that tickles her mind as much as her heart.

"Selena." The voice of her elder sister broke her out of her thoughts, the said girl looking towards her siblings that motioned for her to follow them as they followed the rest of the group.

Selena let out a sigh, her breath pale against the air. She began to walk through the snow; the power that swirled inside of her kept her warm like a blanket of protection.

As they continued to make their way to the clearing, Selena couldn't help but gaze at the scenery. The mountains are pristine and white, even the dark green of the pines are mostly coated in the crystalline snow. The brunette felt like she could stand here all day, drinking it all in, listening to the silence that hangs so thickly in the frigid air.

However, she knew that she couldn't as today was the day of the battle, the day the group either die or survive. Everyone was ready to fight against the Volturi for the sake of their new found friends. For the sake of themselves as well. They were willing to risk everything to save the Cullen's, and if she was being honest, Selena didn't mind a single bit, after all, they helped her with controlling her gift, so she was returning the favour.

Carlisle helped her to unlock the full extent of her powers and use it to her own advantage. Apparently, her powers were mighty and with the help of Carlisle, and Benjamin, she was able to control it. She could now do anything with her fire, defensive or not.

In this battle, it was an advantage, especially since vampires die because of fire. Selena Palmer could easily kill a considerable amount of vampires with a swish of her hand.

The brunette watched, along with everyone else, as the Volturi walked like one. Their moves all synchronised, as they walked towards the group, stopping when they were only a few hundred feet away.

Selena's eyes widened as her heartbeat sped up, looking at a woman she hasn't seen in a long time, along with her vampire sister and brother.

"Mother?" The blonde lady snapped her attention to the three teenage Palmers, her eyes softening as she immediately recognised the three.

"Selena. Emily. Dylan." The three teenagers stared at their mother in shock and in happiness. They were about to go for her when they were stopped by Carlisle, who walked in front of the rest, taking a few steps forward.

Both Aro and Carlisle began to argue as Carlisle stated that there was no danger here and while they were talking, six others stared at a brown-haired beauty who stared at her biological mother with happiness.

The adoration in their eyes immediately told everyone that Selena was their mate, which most hated. The Cullens and their witnesses had a silent agreement not to let Selena know who her mates are and to make sure she never finds out. They don't want someone so kind and so powerful in the hands of their greatest enemy.

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