11 | for the love of letters

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"SELENA!" Hearing her name being called, the brunette hybrid walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone else sat.

"Yeah?" She asked as she entered the room, groaning in annoyance when she saw a delicately wrapped box sitting on the glass coffee table. The brunette let out a tired sigh. "Another one?" They nodded, and the hybrid rolled her eyes, plopping on the couch.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Renesmee asked, looking at the girl with wide, innocent eyes. Selena shook her head.

"I haven't opened the others. Why should I open this?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Because this one looks less fancy than the others," Emily informed, looking at the box sitting on the table.

"And smaller." Their brother added, sitting next to his mate with their other mate on Jacob's lap. Bella and Edward sat together along with all the couples except for Tanya, who still didn't have a mate - which she was okay with since she had her nieces and nephews along with her sister.

"Ugh, fine." The hybrid got up and tore off the wrapping paper only for it to be a cardboard box. The brunette rolled her eyes and ripped open the top of the box before reaching inside and digging through all the tissue paper, her fingers finally feeling something other than writing. Grasping the object, Selena pulled it out only to see a black leather book.

"A book? Really?" Kate laughed, shaking her head at the Volturi. "Why would she need a book?"

"Look inside," Alice spoke, all the attention going from the hybrid to the future seer, who had a warm smile on her face along with Edward, who read her thoughts. Selena rose a brow but opened it, her eyes widening and jaw dropped when she saw what was in it.

"Oh my..." She trailed off as she continued to look through all the pages of the book. Her finger delicately stroked the pages of the book that were filled with drawings of the hybrid girl.

Selena felt her heart pick up speed as warmth filled her body. Everyone could see the hybrid soften, her eyes watering as she continued going through the pages of the book.

"Look!" Renesmee exclaimed as she held up something in her hand. "There's a card."

Selena grabbed the card from out of the younger hybrid's hand and opened it, tears falling as she read it.

'Dear, Selena,

We are genuinely sorry about what happened with your mother, and we hope you forgive us. You are terrific and your beauty puts the goddess Aphrodite to shame.

The way your brown doe eyes shine in the sun and your chocolate brown hair cascade down your back in waves hypnotics us all.

Will you please go on a date with us? At around six?

Your's truly,
Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix'

Selena felt a big, heartwarming grin explode on her face as she read the letter. It wasn't the best romantic poem ever, but for her, it was good enough.

"What time is it?" The brunette asked, looking at her sister, who furrowed her eyebrows.

"Four, why?" Selena's eyes widened in shock before she quickly bolted up and sped to her room, slamming the door shut.

"What was that?" Emmett asked, raising a brow. Emily crawled over to the book, opening it and gasping as she what was inside.

"What is it?" Carmen asked, only to gasp in shock and surprise as Emily showed her the book.

"It's a book full of Selena," Renesmee exclaimed as she saw the book, grabbing it and flipping through the pages. Dylan smiled fondly before reaching for the card, which Emily got first. The brunette read through it only for her eyes to grow wide and she too sped upstairs and burst into Selena's room, slamming the door behind her.

"What is with those two?" Dylan mumbled as he got the card and read it, his eyebrows flying to his hair as he looked kind of impressed.

"What does it say?" Bella asked, looking at the mate of her daughter.

"They've asked her on a date." The girls in the room all sped to the hybrids room, Bella taking Renesmee as well.

"Girls," Garret mumbled as he rolled his eyes, the guys putting on the football channel. They were doing their own thing when suddenly they heard a scream.


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