10 | for the love of advice

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"SHE'S NOT FALLING FOR OUR GIFTS!" Yelled a furious blonde king as he punched the wooden desk, breaking it. The blonde haired vampire's eyes glowed with anger as he glared at everyone and everything, daring them to even breath loudly.

"Calm down, brother." Aro rolled his eyes at his brother's temper tantrums. It had been a few weeks since Selena saw Demetri and Felix and since then, the seven vampires have been sending her gifts of apologies, but none of them was working because in the brunette's room was a section for their presents that she never even dared to open.

"Calm down?! Our mate doesn't even open our gifts nor does she even like us and you're telling me too calm down!" Caius snarled, glaring at his brother. The top Volturi guards stood around the throne room, all of them upset since their shared mate won't even look at any of them without hatred or pain in her eyes.

"Why don't we just bring her here?" Felix suggested only for Demetri to roll his eyes, shaking his head.

"Yeah, let's just kidnap her because everyone likes getting kidnapped." The vampire said, sarcastically, earning a slap on the head from the eldest witch twin.

"We must think of something proper," Marcus spoke, his voice quiet yet loud to the ears of the vampires.

"Why don't we ask that human lady outside for some ideas since our mate is half human and into the modern culture?" Suggested Jane, the blonde vampire leaning into her brothers embrace, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"What a brilliant idea, Jane." Aro smiled fondly before calling for the human lady that worked as the receptionist in the castle.

"Y-yes, M-master Aro?" The brunette human walked into the throne room, seven pair of red eyes all on her. The said vampire walked towards the human, stroking her cheek.

"We need your assistance," Aro answered, his red eyes gleaming in the dimly lit room. The human nodded, her eyes dancing with fear.

"What do you human girls like these days?" Felix asked, his tall figure leaning against one of the pillars with Demetri leaning against the post on the opposite side. The brown haired human looked shocked, taken back.

"W-well," She started, stuttering. "We..uh..like romantics stuff I guess." She answered, looking around the room.

"And what kind of romantic stuff?"

"Like poems and such. Cute text messages and flowers. Compliment her and don't pressure her into doing anything." The vampires in the room nodded as the human lady continued listing off things that girls like. "Comfort her if she's sad, pay for meals, hug her from behind and if you want to buy gifts, buy the ones that have a meaning behind them. Kisses on the forehead are also nice and...uh...hold her hand when you're walking together and love her like you mean it."

"Thank you, my dear." Marcus smiled, happy that he could now do something that might make their angel hybrid fall for the seven vampires.

"You may leave now." The brunette human nodded, smiling at them before going back to her job as the receptionist, going back to her desk.

The seven vampires began to discuss all the things they would do, already having some information thanks to the human lady.

"Does everyone know what they're going to do?" Aro asked as he finished explaining his big idea to the other vampires in the room, who all nodded. "Good. Now let's proceed plan A of getting our mate to love us!"

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