05 | for the love of the past

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IT HAD BEEN A FEW MONTHS SINCE Irina Denali died and while mostly everyone got over it, only one was still affected by the tragic event. Selena was a mummy's girl; she favoured her mum over her dad while her siblings favoured their dead father more.

Selena enjoyed spending time with her mother, so when her siblings and father went out, Selena was always overjoyed because she'd get to have her mum all for herself. It was thanks to Irina that Selena grew up ladylike and kind. Her mother taught her everything, and I mean everything. From cooking to cleaning to even reading. She was her teacher, her guardian and most of all, her best friend.


"Mummy, look!" Exclaimed a happy and excited brunette, her brown locks jumping up and down as the younger version of Selena ran to the living room, where her mother sat. She showed her mum a piece of paper, and a victory grin grew on her lips as she saw her mum's eyes widen in awe and shock.

"Did you draw this?" Irina was shocked, she did not expect her daughter to be artistic, but when she saw the genuine and raw emotion of excitement and happiness, the vampire knew that her baby girl drew this.


"I'm so proud of you honey!" Irina laughed as tears of joy watered in her eyes but knew they wouldn't come out. She brought her daughter into a hug, smiling as a wave of proudness washed over her.

And while they hugged, a picture of a detailed castle was drawn onto the paper that lay on the floor, forgotten as the two had their moments. The castle was very, very familiar to the eyes of the vampire mother but she could not place her finger on it. She remembered seeing it but shrugged it off as she hugged her daughter tighter, who embraced her hugs. Once Selena's father and siblings came home, she showed them the photo, and they were proud too. The picture was celebrated with a big dinner, and all that could be heard from the house was laughter as joy danced around the room.


"20...21.....27.....30! Ready or not, here I come!" A bubbly Emily was seen looking around the house for her siblings and parents. They were playing hide and seek, and everyone knew that no matter what, no one would be able to find Selena, even if they tried. She was a very good hider, and the fact that she was smaller than all of them didn't help either. They would search for ours but would always fail, and she would always be the winner.

"I found you!" Exclaimed Emily, finally happy as she thought she finally caught her sister only to find out it was a ball with a wig of hair. "What?" Laughter echoed throughout the hallway, revealing Selena's location. Their father grinned and put his mouth to his lips, motioning for everyone to be quiet and crept to Selena's hiding spot. Once she was an arm's length away, the father grabbed her causing her to squeal.

"Got you, princess." Selena pouted as everyone laughed but that pout soon turned into laughter, and they continued playing their games until it was dinner time. These were the days where they would play endless amounts of games. Whether it was board games, games on the TV or physical games. They all enjoyed their time, every time.


"We did it mummy!" Beamed a seven-year-old Selena as she gazed down at their chocolate cake. "I wonder how it tastes?" She thought aloud, and the two soon had a mischevious grin on their faces.

"Why don't we eat it all?" Selena nodded her head, a grin that matched that of the Cheshire cat formed on her face as she thought of the reaction of her siblings and father. She gladly took the fork from her mother's hand and together they wolfed it down, hiding the plate and then laughing as they saw both Emily and Dylan run in only to look sad as they didn't see any cake.



Memories after memories popped into her mind as more tears escaped her eyes. And as much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling one after another, without a sign of stopping.

She hit the wall and tried to scream, but the sound of the place melted her voice. The muffled sobs wracked against her chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was gone. The last painful emotion slammed against her before she lost the feeling of feeling. Everything darkened into nothingness as she passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

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