04 | for the love of memories

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A TENSE SILENCE HUNG IN THE AIR as the group of vampires watched as Edward went up and gave his hand to Aro, confusing Selena from her position next to her siblings. 'Why would he do that?' She thought, confusion swirling in her brain.

"I'd like to meet her." To be honest, Aro didn't care about the hybrid; he just wanted his mate. He wanted to learn and know everything about his mate, and he soon realised that his mate was actually their mate.

'Seems like we have to share her.' Aro thought, exhaling a sigh of disappointment. 'But it's better than nothing.' That thought made him brighten up again.

Renesmee and her mum, along with her imprint and uncle, went up to Aro where she showed him the memories of her life. However, along with the other memories, she showed him one that brought joy to his cold, undead heart.

There was a field, with grass that was covered in a snow of blanket. The sky was cloudy, and the trees had snow wrapped on their branches. There was a figure, two figures. Snowflakes danced in the air as a fire was formed.

"Selena?" The baby hybrid called out, gaining the attention of the angel with a power that could kill millions.

"Yes?" She answered, walking towards Renesmee, a confused look on her face as she reached her new friend.

"Do you have a prince?"

"Pardon?" Selena was taken back; she was not expecting the hybrid to say that.

"Do you have a prince? Or a princess?" Renesmee repeated, curious. Selena laughed, her laughter ringing throughout the field.

"I was told I do, seven." Came her reply, a soft and gentle smile dangling on her lips.

"Seven?!" Renesmee was shocked. The tables were turned now, and this time, Renesmee was shocked. "How?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. As long as they treat me right, I'll love them. All of them." She told her, love racing throughout as she finally was able to feel a different kind of love that wasn't from family or friends.

"Are they all princes? Or do you have a princess?"

"Yes, I do have a princess along with six princes. However, if you asked me, they're more like kings and queen." The hybrid nodded, her mouth forming into an 'o'.

"Well, do you love them? Even though you haven't seen them?"

"Of course! After all, I was told that they were made for me or I was made for them. Now, enough mate talk, let's play a game." Selena grinned childishly as Renesmee who smiled back and on the count of three, the two girls ran back to the Covens house, their laughter echoing everywhere they went.'

That was the end of the memory and Aro was very, very happy. He was glad his mate - no, their mate would love and accept them. He also had a feeling she knew who they were. Wanting to get this over with, Aro stood up and began telling his witnesses what Renesmee is and what he saw.

"Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human." He explained.

"Impossible," Caius said which caused Aro to narrow his eyes at him, almost like a glare.

"Do you think they have fooled me, brother?"

"Bring the informer forward." They brought Irina forward, and Selena had a bad feeling about this. A feeling she dreaded. "Is that the child you saw?" Caius asked, looking at her as she looks down.

"I'm not sure." Came her reply.

"Jane." Caius threatened, and Selena furrowed her eyebrows.

'What was so threatening about the blonde?'

"She's changed. This child is bigger." Irina states as fear laced in her voice which had her children clenching their fists and for her youngest getting ready to use her powers.

"Then your allegations were false." Yelled an angry Caius.

"The Cullen's are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake. I'm sorry." A Volturi guard set a torch on fire and ripped off Irina's arm before ripping off her head, causing a scream to bubble out of Selena's threat along with her aunties and sister.


"Mother!" Selena fell to her knees as anger courses through her. The Cullen's and their witnesses gazed at the girl with wide eyes. She was shaking, sparks of fire were coming from her, and soon, her body was on fire. Her mates gasped in horror but for some reason didn't feel pain from their mate bond. Oh, no. They felt anger and loads of it.

Selena looked at them with cold eyes which swirled with hatred and just like that; the Volturi knew they just lost their queen. While the seven others knew they lost their mate.

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