Chapter 1

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I don't own a damn thing, sadly enough. Wait! I do own Nine!

“Nine, please slow down already,” the (h/c)ette spoke, while laying down on a long skateboard thing, to the white haired male with a blue zigzag, who was running down the halls of Ouran High School. “Hell no! If I'm pulling your handsome ass and I can't get fuck by you, then I can, at least, pull you at any speed I want!” Nine rant as he took a sudden turn, before jumping off a set of stairs to the bottom, and as soon he landed on his feet, he set off again.

“Nine, I may be the nurse of this school, but it doesn't mean that you can do whatever dangerous shit, while I am near,” the Nurse said, as he look at his nails in boredom, like the turn or jump didn't happen, while ignoring the fact that Nine wan...

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“Nine, I may be the nurse of this school, but it doesn't mean that you can do whatever dangerous shit, while I am near,” the Nurse said, as he look at his nails in boredom, like the turn or jump didn't happen, while ignoring the fact that Nine want him in that way.

“But, that what it fucking mean, my sexy companion! Now, (Y/n),  let's go through this door!” Nine grin as he burst through the big double set of doors, which the sign above it said the abandoned music room.

Inside the Music room before Nine came in

“I'll go back and get something else. Excuse me for not buying, you guys, some expensive coffee,” Haruhi mumbled as he prepare to leave again, only to stop, when Tamaki stood on top of a table.

“No, I'll keep it. I'm going to give it a try! I will drink this-” Tamaki started his whole amazing speech, which interrupted by a loud bang as the door slam into the wall.

“(M/n)! I think we actually found a fucking portal!” a voice rang throughout the room, as a male walk in. “Nine, please shut up and get me some coffee. I can smell some in here,” a husky voice half muttered, but everyone easily heard him, making them blush as the owner was reveal laying on a skateboard.

“Welcome to the Host club. So, tell me, which type are you inter-” Tamaki was interrupted once again, sadly enough, by (M/n).

“Shut the fuck up already. Don't fucking talk to me, until I drink the coffee.”

Half of the girls gasped in shock at the disrespect that the (h/c)ette gave their prince. The other half blush heavily at the (h/c)ette’s rudeness, thinking that this different from the usual.

With a dramatic gasp, Tamaki retreated to his little corner of shame. Nine only giggle at the site. “I'm going to make your coffee, just wait a second as I help this boy with it,” Nine smile, which made the girls swoon, but the (h/c)ette who seem to have fallen back to sleep.

Tamaki, somehow revive himself, and join in the crowd that surround Haruhi and Nine as they make the coffee.

“Oh, Tamaki, you’re taking the joke too far. Your palate won't be able to stomach that crap. You don't have to drink it just because he brought it.”

No one heard the red headed girl insult Haruhi, not even Haruhi himself, heard her. No one, but one person who turn his head to face her. “Bitch...can you shut up. Do you really think that the blonde will pay attention to a bitch like you,” the Nurse spoke to the redhead, who eyes widen in shock. “I-i’m sorry. I was talking to myself,” Ayanokoji stutter for a second, surprise that a lowly person like himself, spoke like that to her. “Tch. Quit lying, bitch. You're lucky, I'm a Nurse or I'll-” the (h/c)ette cut himself off by turning his head and saw Nine and Haruhi finish making the coffee.

Without another word, (M/n), somehow, roll himself over to the males.

“Omg! We're so lucky to see them all together!” one of the fangirls giggle to her friend, who giggle also, but the comment was loud enough for Ayanokoji and Haruhi to hear. “Um, excuse me, but can you explain the reason why to that,” Haruhi asked the female, which Ayanokoji scooted closer to them, to overhear and only a tiniest bit of thankful that Haruhi asked.

The fangirl only grin and was ready to start talking about her idols to the commoner. “Since I'm pretty sure that you know about the Host Club. I'm going to tell you about the two guys that have a fanbase who hope that they join it! First I'm going to talk about Nine, the human who isn't afraid of anything! Nine is 17 years old and is a second year along with Tamaki-kun and Kyoya-kun! He's always doing something dangerous at times, like jumping out the window or the roof of the school, only to come out with a few small cuts and bruises. The rest of his history involved (M/n)!”

Just as the fangirl was about to continue talking, she was interrupted by her fellow fangirl. “My turn! I going to tell you about the wonderful, mean, but kind school nurse, (M/n)!” the 2nd fangirl squealed, while the first huffed that she wasn't allowed to introduce him. “(M/n) (L/n), the Nurse of the school and he’s 19 years old. While he's a nurse, it doesn't mean that he have to be nice to us. If you don't have a serious injury, but isn't too serious for the hospital, he won't help you! We don't know much about the history between them, but we do know that Nine is always around (M/n)!”

The female look like she was about to include more...or start threatening Haruhi to not near or talk to (M/n) at all, but luckily for the brunette, it seem the host club was about to begin hosting the females, while Nine and (M/n) was trying to leave, but Tamaki was blocking their way.

“Move,” the Nurse stated, as he stare/glare at Tamaki, who just shook his head ‘no’ wildly. Nine was currently thinking of a way to somehow do the most dangerous or craziest stunt ever, just to leave the room.

“No, this time you shall join the host club!” the blonde declared with unknown strength as he spread his arms out, planning to finally get the (h/c)ette and white-blue head to stay and join the club. Which was when Nine broke his train of thoughts, to decline the offer for the both of them.

“No! I got this awesome move to do, and (N/n) is supposed to watch me and help me, if I get hurt!” the danger loving boy announced as he thrown himself onto (M/n)’s lap. Unfortunately for the both of them, the (h/c)ette was still in a bad mood and his quarter full cup of coffee slip out of his hand.

“I rather watch you fall and die.”

“Aww! I love you too, (N/n)! You know you will never let me die!”

“Shut up already and get me back to my office.”

During this, the duo didn't notice the fangirls giggling, having a nosebleed, or had fainted and was probably caught by their friends. Who can blame them, for the position, they were in, weren't any better. Nine was straddling the Nurse’s lap and had his arms wrapped around the older male’s neck. (M/n) had his hands on the white-blue head’s hips, while both of their faces were close enough for their lips to touch. Hell, you can't blame the host club, who were blushing heavily and didn't know why they felt like glaring at Nine.

“Yes sir! Whatever you say, my hot as fuck friend,” Nine grin as he jump off of (M/n)’s lap and push the said male into laying down on his skateboard, while he grab the rope.

Tamaki, not giving up on bringing the two into the club, decided to bring out the secret weapon.

Yep...I started another story...I'm not sorry. Anyway, should I keep Haruhi as a girl or turn her into a guy so she can get fucked? I'll let you guys choose. Later!

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