Rant #10- Fan Fictions

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So this rant deserves a chapter all on its own becase the amount of things wrong with fanfictions is over 9000 :P This rant mostly involves One Direction, because over half the fan fics on Wattpad are about them. And most of the problems I have with Fan Fictions involve all you Directioners.

In fact, this whole story is now Rated R because of this one chapter. If that doesn't show how wrong Fan Ficitions on Wattpad are, I don't know what does.

10) Fanfictions. there was a time when I loved them. You know, when all of the stories revolved around things like the Hunger Games or Harry Potter. I even wrote a fanfiction of my own a few years ago.

And then along came One Direction.

Personally, I have no problem with that band. Their music is okay and I have to admit some of them are cute. But then the disease known as One Direction Fan Fics came.

I'm sure you've all read at least one 1D Fanfic on Wattpad. Hell, I've read a 1D Fanfic. And the only thing I can say is: Never again.

I read maybe the most popular One Direction Fan Fiction on Wattpad and I can honestly say I hated it. I won't say which book it is but multiple times I wanted to throw up over how repulsed I was.

Shoot me for being a hater, but it's the truth.

The first problem I had with it was the level of writing. It was written like a 3rd grader. Or Stephanie Meyers. If you've read Twilight, you'd know how inaccurate her writing is. Honestly it was a struggle to get through the chapters because there wasn't even proper grammar and spelling. And I'm not just talking about one book, I'm talking about most of the One Direction Fan Fics I've seen. I've only managed to read one One Direction Fan Fiction here cover to cover, the rest I've given up on. Trust me when I say I'm quite possibly the Leader of all Grammar Nazis, but if you've read my previous rants you'd know how mad I am at some grammar. And most of these incoherent stories are conveniently One Directions Fan Fictions. Or Fan Fics in general.

Another thing wrong with Fan Fictions is how repulsive some are. This one is mostly to One Direction Fan Fictions. I know not all the stories are like this, but a fair share of the ones I've tried to read involve some rather.... disgusting scenes. I get it that One Direction is hot, but honestly you don't have to write about having sex with them every chapter. It's actually quite disturbing. Control yourself. And the worst part is, based on the writing level of these stories, I can conclude that the people who write these sexual books are 12 year old girls.

The titles themselves make me want to throw up too. If you have a title with at least 2 of the following words-- sex, slave, One Direction-- we have a problem. First off, I doubt the real One Direction are a bunch of horny boys willing to buy a single girl for the five of them to bang repeatedly and then fall  in love with her. Just because your book has a bunch of hot boys in them does not mean that you have an excuse to include sex or slavery. Don't even call them "sex slaves". Slavery was abolished in America. The more accurate term is "Prostitute." Basically you're writing about a prostitute girl for a world famous band that would throw up their own insides if they ever read these books. This isn't a fan fiction, ladies. it's a fictional book that makes One Direction look like horny bastards. And if you didn't realize, Prostitution and slavery are rather illegal or frowned upon in most countries, including America and Britain (where most authors here are). You shouldn't have world famous boys have prostitutes just lying around in their house. If it wouldn't happen in real life, I doubt it'd happen in a story (and if it does, mark the genre as FANTASY)

Personally, I have no problem with sex scenes. if you know me in real life you'd know I have the mouth of a piss drunk truck driver/ sailor. But when there's either a) a sex scene in every chapter or b) pracitcal rape, I have a problem. First off, control your orgasms ladies. I think your hip would be broken if you have sex everyday like that. Most of this sex-obsessed frenzy happens in Fan Fictions, which is why I'm bringing it up. The other thing is Rape. For all these "sex slave/prostitute" stories, that is. Basically, the character forces the other to suck their dick. And this mostly involves one or more member of One Direction. Rape is not a joke. Writing a story about real people forcing a girl (usual a young teen. Eww) to have sex with them is not cool with me. If you think you're a Directioner, think again. This is not being a fan of your favorite band, this is degrading a group of celebrities as nothing more than rapists to little girls. Honestly, how is writing about sex-obsessed superstars showing how much you idolize these people?!

This brings me to my next point. Fan Fictions are based off real people/ characters/ movies/ books etc. Therefore, the fanfic should involve the same characteristic/personality/setting/story as that person/book/movie/character, right? Wrong. I notice this in mostly 1D fanfics (again) but when you write about this thing, you don't inlude their actual traits. Everyone immediately stereotypes Harry is a jerk, egotistical and pessimistic asshole player. I doubt that's true in real life. Like I stated before, I'm not an active fan of One Direction. From the information I can gather, I'm also fairly positive One Direction is a world famous British boy band. They are not college/high school American students that don't sing once in the entire book. If you are a real fan of 1D, you would not degrade them and make them look like assholes.

If you were writing about Percy Jackson, I'd bet you'd include things including but not limited to: Camp Half Blood, Grover, Demigods, Gods and Goddesses and Greek mythology. This also applies to One Direction. A real fanfic about them should include: tours, SINGING, a band, the actual words ONE DIRECTION, and British people/places. Is it really hard to include the few things that would make a Fan Fiction... a Fan Fiction. Honestly these books make me think that someone cloned One Direction. They have the same names and looks, but they do not: act, think or do the same things the real One Direction does. I hardly know the band and I know how they should be/act. If you want to write a story about real people and not celebrities, use that pretty little brain of yours and think up your own people with their own looks and personalities. PLEASE.

In fact, there was this amazing series that really piqued my interest. It was an amazing idea written by an amazing author. There was just one flaw:

It had One Direction.

Honestly, I would've still read it if it just didn't sound so awful with them in it. It was a brilliant, original idea crippled by the fact a group of boys decide to crash the party. I honestly almost cried because it was such an amazingly brilliant idea that I couldn't bear to read because of the onslaught of cliches I knew would come with the addition of the words One and Direction.

This brings me to a wonderful transition on my rant of Fan Fictions (most retaining to 1D). This would be Fan Fictions where they don't belong. What does this mean to you lovely readers? I'm talking about One Direction in the Horror Genre. It's things like this that make me want to rip my stunning hair out. It's like a One Direction apocalypse. Or a disease. It's slowly spreading into the untouched genres of Wattpad. Honestly, One Direction does not need to go to space. Or die in 1534 and come back as a ghost. They do not have to live in a dystopic world and they ABSOLUTELY do not have to buy "sex slaves". They are not axe murderers or zombies. This couples with my point of changing their personality completely. if you want to write about ghosts or space or dystopias, use your own characters. These kind of stories would be brilliant if not for the boy band problem. Honestly, these are amazing ideas ruined by the addition of five boys.

Ooh, this point is fun. And it doesn't involve One Direction! *cue applause* This rant actually applies to books and movies. And these are messups in the plot of the original book/movie. I'm talking about screwing around with the -brilliant- original plot of, say, Harry Potter by having Hermione die or have Harry fall in love with your OC (Original Character for all you One Direction writers who can't create one of their own).  Please don't fuck up a brilliant plot by having your character kill Voldemort or have a second child of Posiedon. I'm okay if you only use settings from these stories and have a completely original plot, but do not add a crazy plot twist to a completed story and ruin an amazing,published book for me.

SO I think that concludes all the reasons why I dislike Fan Fictions. Directioners, don't come at me with pitch forks. And remembers, these are all my opinions meaning that just because you do not think the same way I do means you can assault me with hate comments. There's a difference between constructive criticism and hate.

Thanks for getting me on the What's Hot List by the way, love you guys :) Even if you write fanfictions involving famous boy bands assaulting preteen girls.

Remember, I got this story rated R for you guys.

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