4. Before

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I look down at the book with much regret. David lent it to me for a few hours with the warning of this one spell and only this spell. It's not really even a spell but a summons.

We need this man to do a task for us. I open the book up to its page before clearing my throat.

"Twinkle Twinkle Little star
How I wonder what you are
Down beneath my demon sword
Underneath the holy world
Twinkle twinkle Little star
Look at where you're at
I bring your death with a whack."

Within a few hours a tall blonde boy is standing in front of us. He looks to be eighteen maybe but I know better. " I am Alpha Archer," I introduce his black eyes bore into mine.

"Who do I need to kill?"

"We both know that you know who you need to kill," I say before closing the book. He gives me a smile before disappearing.

  Hopefully this wasn't a mistake.

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