Try me

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Turning off the hair dryer, Stevie puts it away, running a hand through her gorgeous golden locks, as she takes a look at herself in the mirror. Reentering the bedroom, she puts on her blouse, doing the buttons, before picking up her skirt off the floor, wiggling her hips she pulls it up to her waist.

"Could you zip me up, please?"

Without a word, he stands up and approaches her, taking his time with the zipper, his one hand placed on her hip. He can't resist it, wrapping his arms around her, pressing small kisses along the curve of her neck.

"I've got to go." She says, freeing herself from his embrace. Again, he doesn't utter a word. "What's wrong, Lindsey? You're so quiet."

"I was just thinking..." He shrugs, making some distance between them. "But you're going to say no, so it doesn't matter."

"Try me. Who knows, maybe I won't?" 

Scratching the back of his head, Lindsey hesitates. "You mentioned your husband's going away for a few days, so I was wondering if maybe we could, I don't know, have dinner or something?" Seeing her expression change, Lindsey scoffed. "See, I knew."

"Lindsey... you know, this..." Showing between them. "... this isn't like that. We don't go out on dates."

"It's not a date, it's two friends having dinner. What's so wrong about that?"

Shaking her head, Stevie folds her arms over her chest. "Doesn't matter, it's still among the... rules. We're not to be seen together."

"I fucking hate the damn rules!" Lindsey curses, wishing to throw something. 

Swallowing uneasily, Stevie pulls her lower lip into her mouth, before she says. "If this is getting harder for you somehow, then maybe we should stop seeing each other."

"No! Absolutely not!" Lindsey quickly stands in front of her, grasping her hands. "Forget it, forget I said anything. If this is how it's going to be forever, then fine."

"Are you sure about that?" Stevie questions, because she can see the real answer in his eyes. 

"Yeah." Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her close to himself, inhaling deeply, before drawing back and kissing her lips. "I'll see you, when I do."

Stevie nods, pecking him on the lips once more, she then gathers her things and leaves, as she has been doing it for nearly a year now.

There's no rush to get home. The drive back from Lindsey's condo takes up more time than usual. Pulling into the driveway, Stevie frowns, seeing another car parked. Jeff was supposed to be gone by now. Grabbing her bag, Stevie takes the key out of the ignition and walks to the front door in her high heels, cursing the stone walkway, which she so desperately wanted.

Entering the house, she hears the TV on in the family room, which is where she goes, finding Jeff with their youngest, well almost a seventeen year old, son. Jeff looks over his shoulder, turning his attention back to the television - he knows exactly where she returned from.

"I thought you'd be on the plane by now." Stevie says, sitting down to take off her heels. 

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning." Jeff answers plainly, hearing Stevie sigh, as she stands up and leaves the room, ascending the stairs to get changed. 

Putting on denim shorts and a simple white top, Stevie comes back downstairs barefoot, tying her hair up in a ponytail. She goes into the kitchen to start working on dinner, first of all turning the radio on. She taps her foot to the beat, looking through the refrigerator, she then takes several ingredients and lays them down on the kitchen counter. 

"Is it necessary to make it that obvious where you've been?"

"Jesus! You scared me." Stevie clutches her chest, as she turns around swiftly, seeing Jeff has come in unnoticed. 

"Well? You didn't answer my question."

"We said, we wouldn't talk about it. Actually, you said it. This whole thing was your idea, Jeff."

"Do you feel at least a little bit guilty, when you've just fucked someone else, then came home to your family?"

Sighing, Stevie turns the radio off and takes a seat. She prefers not to think about it at all. "You know that it's purely physical. It was you, who suggested it, Jeff. You told me, you were sorry you have a job, that makes you stay up late in the office, that makes you forget about me, more often than not may I add. You need it, those were your words."

"And you jumped at the chance."

"Well, I'm sorry, but I do need someone to appreciate me, to pay attention to me, to care about me, to..." She trails off, choosing a different way to say it. "It's not just men, who enjoy sex."

"Oh God!" Jeff shakes his head, looking away from her. "Don't mention it."

"See! You bring it up, you ask me questions and when I try answering them, you tell me to shut up! So, just don't do it, okay?" Getting up from her seat, Stevie turns the radio back on again, resuming making dinner, which she hasn't even really started doing, indicating that their conversation was over.

Locking himself in his home office, Jeff grabs the first bottle in his reach, pouring a generous amount into a glass, downing it in one go. You're such an idiot!, he slumps down in his leather chair. He is going to lose her, he's sure about it. She's gorgeous, smart, witty, she cooks, she cleans and she's fantastic in bed - she's a catch. Swallowing another gulp of whiskey, Jeff repeats to himself, IDIOT!

What on earth made him suggest open marriage all those months ago? 


Hey! This is just a teaser for now. I want to finish It's Up To You first, so this is something for you to (hopefully) look forward to.

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