Forgive me

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Jeff was shocked, when Stevie said she wants to divorce him. The way he sees it, both of them are to blame for troubles in their marriage. Stevie tried explaining to him that what he did all those years ago was cheating, he betrayed her and even got another woman pregnant, while Stevie met Lindsey, because Jeff let her, since he doesn't have any time for her anymore. Also, because he felt guilty. 

It has been a few days and Stevie doesn't know if it's good or not that Jeff didn't really explode with anger at her or that he hasn't talked to her once. Their children understand something's not quite right, but Stevie couldn't find it in her to speak to them yet. However, what's there to explain? They're old enough to figure it out on their own.

"You don't have to bring me food, I can go to the kitchen myself." Stevie says, when Ruby walks through the door with a tray.

"Nonsense. You're still healing."

"I know, but the doctor told me I shouldn't forget to move around." Stevie manages to sit up against the headboard without help, but she exhales heavily then. "Thank you."

"No problem." Ruby smiles weakly and Stevie knows, something's on her mind.

"Sit with me." Stevie shows to the empty side of the bed, as she reaches for a glass of water and takes a few sips before eating her lunch. "What's bothering you, sweetheart?"

Sighing, Ruby shrugs, facing away from her mother. "I don't know. I just... well, I don't understand what's going on with you and Dad. That bothers me."

"He and I haven't really decided on how to go on about this, but... the truth is, honey, I'm not happy being married to your father anymore. You've noticed that as well. I found out something and it was just the last straw. Also... um, under a certain agreement your father and I have, I've met someone." Stevie doesn't feel particularly comfortable discussing this.

"I'm not ten, Mom. I know what an open marriage is."

"I keep forgetting you're not as little anymore." Stevie smiles, but it fades quickly, when Ruby's face remains straight. "I've been seeing Lindsey for some time now. I've tried telling myself differently, but I fell for him. I'm of a certain age now and I had to stop and think, do I want to live out the rest of my days being sad and... well, lonely, while I'm married to someone?"

"Don't talk like that!" Ruby scolds. "I don't want to hear you talking about... about dying."

"But it's true." Stevie shrugs her shoulders. "I realized that I want to be with someone, who puts me first, who's affectionate, who wants to spend time with me, who doesn't care what his colleagues will think, who is genuine."

A long silent moment follows, before Ruby takes away the tray from over Stevie's lap and puts it aside. Bringing her knees to her chest, Ruby sighs. "I though you were going to be divorced by now."

"What?" Stevie frowns. 

"It's not just the last six months or a year. It's way longer than that. I still lived at home and I could see that you and Dad simply coexist. There's no... there's no love left between you. Unless, not what it once was."

Stevie didn't think it was that obvious. She shakes her head slightly. "It's not completely true. I'll always have a special place in my heart for your father, because he's given me you and your brothers. Things haven't always been bad. Actually, for a long time, he and I were deeply in love with each other. Just... time goes by, people change, feelings change. Of course, there are things he's done that made me angry and I'm sure he feels the same about me, but I don't hate him or anything like that. I still care about him and as much as I want to be happy, I want him to find happiness as well."

Again, neither of the two says anything for a while. Then Ruby turns to her mother, smiling, and reaches for her hand, squeezing gently. "Don't worry about us. You deserve to be in love and be loved."

That brings tears to Stevie's eyes and she embraces her daughter, they stay like that for a moment. "I love you, baby."

"Love you, too." Ruby says and pulls back. "Now, try and get some rest, okay?"

Stevie nods her head and lies down, but not five minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "Come in." Stevie says and sees Jeff. Her demeanor changes immediately, she tenses up, but not for long.

"I heard you two talk." He looks awkward, scratching the back of his head. "You really love him, don't you?" It's not a question. "And you don't hate me?" Jeff asks, sounding hopeful.

"I don't hate you, Jeff." Stevie shakes her head. "I don't hate anyone."

"I'm sorry for what I've done. You didn't deserve to be lied to like that. You've always been so good to me, Stevie." She doesn't speak, so he adds. "I won't stand in your way. You said, you still loved me enough and you would have forgiven me if I told you the truth back then. Well, I still love you enough to... to let you go." Jeff's eyes brim with tears and he quickly wipes them away. "Forgive me for the things I've done wrong, I never meant to hurt you." He breaths out heavily, sounding and looking defeated, he knows he doesn't have a choice. "I won't make it difficult, I'll sign then papers."

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