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Hey everyone! We will now announce what the prizes for the winners from each genre will receive....

🏅First place (Milky way winner)

•A sticker.

•A follow from this account AND our own accounts.

•A shoutout.

•Your book in one of our reading list in this account AND our own accounts. In this account it will probably be titled  as 'The Milky Way first place winners.' And something like 'MUST READ' or 'Amazing books' (perhaps!) in our accounts.

•Five comments from us on your book.

🥈Second place: (Luner Winner)

•A different (but still awesome) sticker.

•A follow from this account AND our own accounts.

•Your book in our reading list (this account) labelled as probably 'Lunar second place winners.'

•Four comments on your book from us.

🥉Third place: (Comet winner)

•A different sticker (still awesome).

•A follow from this account AND our own accounts.

•Your book in this accounts reading list titled as 'Comet third place winners.'

•Three comments from us on your book.

🎖Fourth place: (Sirius winner)

•A different sticker (still amazing.)

•A follow from this account AND two of our accounts.

•Your book labelled as 'Fourth place Sirius winners' in this accounts reading list.

•Two comments from us on your book.

🎖Fifth place: (Constellation)

•A different sticker (Still cool.)

•A follow from this account AND one of our accounts.

•Your book in this accounts reading list labelled as 'Fifth place constellation winners.'

•One comment from us on your book.

HOWEVER ALL OF THE WINNERS BOOKS WILL BE PLACED IN OUR 'Winners' reading list that will also be created on this account.

The participants will all receive many thanks from us for participating.

Also, there may be other things for the winners we haven't decided yet.

Thank you.

The HMM Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now