|I M P O R T A N T|

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Hey guys it's Honey and I'd like to inform you about something as well as announce something.

Quite a few people have been rude to us, threatening us and etcetera.

Today, I, Honey, have been targeted by this particular user that somehow knows I was the one that replied to their rude comment and formally corrected them only to receive complete rudeness.

This person accused me of stalking despite stalking me themselves.

I'm quite angry but mainly upset and disappointed.

I'm crestfallen but I'm also furious and frustrated.

We will not accept this behaviour and right now I have reported that person because they leave me no choice.

It's not easy you know. I have my own account I use quite frequently and we do have other things to do too.

Then when I come onto this account and I accept some entries or try my best to correct someone or ask them to follow the rules before entering only to receive stuff like this.

It's infuriating, upsetting and disappointing.

The user also indirectly bullied me by name calling my username and saying things I wouldn't like to share about it.

Guys, please try to understand that we're trying our best and rudeness, bullying, blackmailing or threatening will not be tolerated at all.

I'm really more upset right now and we'd appreciate it if you really wouldn't do that.


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