Chapter 8 - Anger

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"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." - Aristotle

The sunlight made it's way into the room, warming the pinkette's naked body. The blanket sheltered only her lower part. She was on her stomach, with her long hair spreaded all across the white pillow. Sakura wasn't used to sleep next to someone, so she couldn't sleep like a normal human being. Her arms and legs were in different directions.

"Hmm." her hand from under the pillow travelled on the bed, searching for the body next to her. Or the body that should have been next to her. The sheets were cold, the sun rays didn't have the power to warm that certain spot. Her eyes snapped open and she forced her upper body to raise. She sat in her bum, looking around the room like a mad woman. Her breath was caught in her throat.

"N-no..." her voice broke. She covered her eyes with both of her palms, crying her eyes out. Of anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness. He used her, just like everyone else. Her face turned red and her tears reached her lips. She almost choked. She was such a stupid girl. She let a man that she didn't know take advantage of her and use her body for his own sick pleasure then dumping her like garbage.

Her trembling hands threw the blanket aside. The cold morning air hit her body, making her shiver. But she couldn't feel, once again she couldn't feel a damn thing. She got out of bed and stumbled. Her own legs betrayed her, making her fall to the cold hard floor. A huge pain shot between her legs.

"Damn you..." her tears hit the floor. He trembking hands searched for support. She hardly got up with her legs still shaking. With baby steps, she reached her panties and her dress that was folded on the chair.

"You bastard." she cried. She dressed quickly, pulling her dress down as much as she could. She felt disgusted with herself, she felt like a whore.

The pinkette grabbed the bag. She noticed on the floor a black tie for hair. She lifted it and used to tie her hair in a loose ponytail. Ironic, huh? Same hairstyle as the asshole who used her. She looked one more time at the messy room which still held the smell of sex and got out, slamming the door shut.

Sakura went downstairs and was met by the brown haired girl from last night who approached her.

"Here is your ring, miss Uc-" she took the ring and turned her back to the woman, running out of the inn. Rude, but she was too angry to care. She looked at the golden ring wich shinned in the sunlight. It was so beautiful. She clentched her fist around it

"I am gonna crush his bones." her hand started to tremble from the anger and the corners of her eyes itched. The pinkette closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to sense his chakra. Her eyes snapped open. Got him. It wasn't too far.

She started running and jumping through branches, adrenaline flowing through her body.

**Earlier that day**

Naruto slammed the door open to the Hokage's office. Lady Tsunade lifted her eyes from the files that she was reading. It was too early in the morning to deal with this bullshit. She sighed.

"What's the matter, Naruto?" she folded her arms to her chest, making her big boobs almost pop out.

"I went last night to Sakura-chan and she wasn't home. She hasn't returned yet and her friends are worried, dattebayo!" he slammed his palm on her desk, impatiently. Why was he here reporting to the Hokage when he should have been already searching for her?

Tsunade's eyes widened in fear. She got up from her chair.

"Shizune!" she screamed. Her assistant hurried into the office, worried, holding TonTon to her chest.

"Yes, Lady Hokage?"

"Find me a tracker from ANBU. Sakura is missing. I'm going after her. Now!" her voice boomed through the room, making both Naruto and Shizune jump sightly.

**Back to the present moment**

Sakura stopped on a branch, closing her eyes and sensing his powerful chakra. Yes, going after him meant suicide at this rate, but she didn't care. She didn't care last night either. But she craved to hear his reason for throwing her like garbage. The bubble gum haired girl bit her lip and clentched her fists. Suddenly, her eyes widened in shock. No, it couldn't be. Her lips started to tremble.

That chakra that was in the same location as her secret lover...

"Sasuke-kun..." she whispered. Both of their levels of chakra were disgurbed. What was happening there?

She ran as fast as she could but stopped at a certain spot. Up high on an almost wrecked building she spotted two figures fighting. She narrowed her eyes. One was Sasuke and the other... Her eyes widened in shock.

"Impossible..." she whispered, starting to tremble from head to toes. She gulped. Her eyes traveled to her finger where the ring stood. She took it off of her fingers and read over and over again the two initials. I. U. Itachi Uchiha.

"Here is your ring, miss Uc-"

"Miss Uchiha." she whispered, finishing the sentence. She couldn't take her eyes from the ring, the shock was too big. All the memories from last night ran through her mind: the raspy voice, the huge quantity of chakra, the long hair tied in a loose ponytail, the gentle hands that roamed on her skin, the moans echoing through the room. She betrayed the village. She slept with a rogue ninja.

"N-no..." she whispered, letting the tears fall. "No, no, no, it's a nightmare." she cried. Yet, her heard couldn't agree. That specific thump was still there in her chest. Finding who he really is didn't made her feelings go away, it only made them more powerful. Sure, what's not to be attracted to?! He is handsome and showed gentleness towards her but it didn't made the situation right and perhaps it was the only thing that made her afraid, no matter how hard she tried to deny it. Was she in love with a criminal?

She shook her head, coming to her senses. There was only one way to find out, but she can't do that if he's dead, can she?

Sakura ran there and jumped on the building, her eyes traveling between the two brother who were too caught in the fight to notice her. Both of them were pretty wrecked, blood straining their faces.

"Chidori!" they both shouted in unison, starting to run towards each other. Flashbacks from the scene on the hospital roof came to her mind, but this time... She didn't need Kakashi, she was strong, she can stop them. Without noticing, her feet started running between them. If she wasn't quick, she will have two Chidoris piercing through her. Their eyes widened in shock.

"Shit!" Sasuke cursed.

She caught both of their wrists, making their Chidori fade. The sound of bones cracking was heard loud.

"Sakura..." Itachi whispered surprised.


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