Chapter 25 - Damaged

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*Five days later*

Sakura knocked twice on Itachi's door. She just finished her shift at the hospital and decided to pay him a visit. She was still dressed in her white coat which was unbottoned, revealing her short, black skirt and a beige, tight tank top.

They haven't talked in five days and she was worried. But did she have a legit reason to be worried? It's not like they were something so why would he contact her if he didn't need her?! Yet she had this strange feeling and couldn't stop worrying about him. Yes, it was wrong to show him such vulnerability but she couldn't help it. She had to make sure that he was alright.

She tapped her foot on the wooden porch, looking over her shoulder at the rain that was falling heavily upon the village. She loved the chilly weather and just wanted to wrap herself in a thick blanket and read her favorite book. This sounded like a plan. But first, Itachi.

After she received no answer, she put her hand on the handle, twisting it and pushing the door open. The dark hallway met her.


No answer.

She stepped in, closing the door behind. She invaded his privacy. Maybe he was asleep or maybe he was out.

Her feet carried her through the hallway, when she noticed some droplets of blood in front of Itachi's room. Her eyes went wide and the breath was caught in her throat. She slammed the door open to his bedroom, her forest eyes scanning the room with ths hope of spotting the familiar figure.


Suddenly, there was heard a violent cough from the bathroom.

Panick spreaded throughout her body, making her sweaty. She turned on her heels, starting running towards the source. She slipped on a strain of blood, but her body found support on the wall. She pushed herself off the wall and hurried towards the bathroom. She observed that the door was cracked and through that, she saw Itachi bending forward on the sink with a hand on his mouth.

The pinkette slammed the door open, breathing heavily. His body looked weak. His eyes were half closed when they turned towards her. Emptiness. That is the only thing that could be read in those eyes that once held a spark.

He didn't want her to find out but now he figured that she's stubborn and he can't hide things from her.

"Itachi!" she whispered.

Blood was pouring from the corner of his mouth and his hand was strained, as well as the sink.

She hurried to his side, catching his limp body right when he was about to hit the floor. He was shaking uncontrollably like a schizophrenic.

"What is happening to you?" she asked with her voice breaking.

His eyes were fixed on the floor, holding no emotion or spark. It was like he wasn't there anymore. Her embrace became tighter.

"I am not letting you die." she spoke with determination this time.

"Why?" he heard himself whispering.

"Because... I lo-" her voice was shaking. She gulped "Because I lost nights thinking about a way to bring you back." she bit her lip.

The pinkette helped him on his feet, supporting his body. He was really heavy.

She started walking slowly towards the exit. Even though today was rough at the hospital, she had to go back there for his sake. Her hands were trembling. She was afraid. She didn't want to lose him. Not now when she figured that there is no way of running from her feelings. Not now that she knew that she has fallen so hard that she can't get up. What a mistake. Choosing to stick around thinking that your feelings will go away. It was like thowing gasoline in fire.

She moved through Konoha's streets earning weird looks from civilains. One, because they still weren't used to the supposed criminal and still held an unjustified fear and two, because why would someone so kind like Sakura would help someone like him. It was simple: she always saw past people's flaws and she was nowhere near perfect and in the position of judging someone's actions.

She slammed the door of the hospital open and screamed for a nurse. Shizune hurried to her side, eyeing Itachi from head to toes and trying to understand his deplorable state.

"Take him to my office. I have to do a quck check up." she said.

Shizune waved to some nurses to bring a wheelchair.

"But your shift ended just some minutes ago." she said worried.

"I don't care." she took a glace at the man she loved. "I have to cure him. Whatever it is. I WILL cure him."

Shizune nodded and offered Itachi support.

Sakura hurried to the main desk, and asked for a new white coat since the one she wore today ended up strained with a little blood. She told the nurse to register Itachi Uchiha under her care and check which rooms are avaible at the moment. The nurse shivered sightly after hearing the name bit Sakura didn't have time for this.

Her rushed footsteps echoed through the hallway as she approached her office. She slammed the door open and noticed Shizune by Itachi's side while he was laid on the examination table.

"Bring me a wet cloth, I have to clean the blood on his skin." Sakura demanded.

"Yes." Shizune got up and hurried outside.

Sakura placed a hand on his forehead, gently, looking at him with tears in her eyes. His eyelids felt heavy but he could clearly see the shiny droplets on her face.

He hesitantly raised a hand and wiped them, taking her by surprise. She gasped.

"Don't cry for me..."

"How can I not cry for you. This is so unfair. Your life is so unfair. Shannaro!" she sobbed, grabbing his shirt in her fist. Her tears fell on his clothes.

His face held sorrow. He hated to worry her and make her cry. But why was she crying? Why for someone like him?

"Why you? Isn't it enough that you had a miserable life?" she continued crying.

"I'm not worth your tears, please."

"Shut up, you bastard. Just... Don't say anything. You have no idea about anything."

He wanted to ask what she was talking about but Shizune walked in. Sakura wiped her tears but her puffy eyes betrayed her. Shizune's eyes moved between them both as Sakura cleared her throat and tried to seem normal.

"Here!" she handed her the cloth.

Sakura started wiping the strains slowly to not damage him further. He watched every move amd how she carefully took care of him.

Shizune noticed the droplets of tears on Itachi's shirt and her expression softened. She felt sympathy for both of them.

She walked outside the room, leaving them in silence. She smiled to herself. "You will both find your happiness, Sakura." she whispered when no one could hear her.

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