Chapter 26 - Pink petals

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Sakura's gloved hands were lit by green chakra. She touched his chest, searching for any reason that he coughs blood. His eyes watched her closely, half closed. His breathing was calm as he felt the warm chakra on his exposed skin. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail and her eyebrows furrowed. The trembling in her hands stopped but she couldn't stop her worry for him.

Suddenly, her eyes widened in fear.

"Nurse! I need a nurse!" she scremead,

A nurse named Mio slammed the door open to her office. Her eyes fell upon the pinkette and the patient on the examination table. Sakura turned to her with tears in her eyes.

"He has hemoptysis caused by pulmonary embolism. The blood clot is huge, we have to remove it right now."

Itachi listened carefully. He wasn't used to the medical terms but he could say that it was serious.

"Take him to the surgery room. I have to get lady Tsunade's approval. It's the first time that I will perform a surgery of this rank."

"But Sakura-sama... Our doctors are avaible. They can do it."

Sakura moved her gaze to the floor. "No, I have to do it." she said with her voice trembling.

She hurried on the hallway with her heels clicking on the polished floor. Behind the corner, she bumped into the exact person that she was searching for.

"Lady Tsunade!"

The blonde wore a faint smile on her lips. She analyzed Sakura's messy hair and stressed eyes. "Shizune told me about Itachi. Is he alright?"

"N-no... I have to perform a lung surgery on him." she put her hands in her pockets, hesitantly. "I wanted to ask for your permission."

Tsunade crossed her arms to her chest, lifting her boobs sightly. "Why? Aren't there any doctors avaible?"

"Y-yes... But I want to do it. You gave me the duty to care for him. Now let me do it until the end." the way she said the last words, made Tsunade think that there was more beneath the surface that she wanted to show. She has never been so worried about a patient ever since her genin days when Sasuke was in the hospital. Could it be? Her beloved pupil loving again and finding hope? There is only one way to find out...

"Alright. Do your best, Sakura. I trust you with my life, so I will trust with his too." she smiled.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." the pinkette bowed formally and ran through the corridor, towards the surgery room. She pushed open the double door, and grabbed a pair of blue gloves from the table. Itachi was already laid there with his oxygen mask on and IV. His dark eyes were watching her every move.

"You are already back?" a nurse asked.

"Yes, I met with the Hokage. She was heading here." she said, not taking her eyes from Itachi.

"Alright. We'll do a general anesthesia. Mio, you do the anesthesia and Maru, you keep an eye open on heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. If there is the slighest change, tell me." she ordered like a real surgeon.

The pinkette got closer to his face, caressing his hair in the most gentle way and looking into his eyes. His breathing was calm. "I am gonna cure you... I promise." she whispered. "I can't let you die... I... I lo-"

"Doctor Haruno, the anesthesia is done."

Sakura blinked a few times to get rid of the tears. She straightened her back and smiled at Itachi "Alright. Now is time for you to go to sleep. When you will wake, I will be next to you, I promise."

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