Chapter 14 - Torture

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"It’s OKAY to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave." - Mandy Scale

It's been three days. Three days since Sakura was missing and Naruto couldn't calm down. He hasn't slept in three days, he had bags under his eyes. He was walking around Hokage's office impatiently, waiting for Lady Tsunade to return from the ANBU meeting. Yes, the Hokage sent three ANBU teams to search for the blond's girlfriend.

"Naruto, we will find her but stop stressing me." he heard Kurama inside his head but chose to ignore it. This was a bad time for the Nine tails to start being talkative.

The blond thought about how she acted really weird lately. It's like something suddenly changed inside her. She wasn't depresive anymore, no, she had a strange spark inside her which made her impatient, energic and... perverted?!

"Bleah, it must be one of those dirty books of Kakashi sensei." he talked to himself. Yet, it didn't make sense. He had those books too but it didn't make him any different, in fact, he felt disgusted with them. But the way she jumped on him at the training grounds and had sex outside where anyone could see them. It's like she didn't care.

Tsunade slammed the door open, stepping into the office.

"Any news?" Naruto jumped in front of her, being full of hope. Her eyes held sorrow. She shook her head. He student's disappearing drained her of energy and life but it was understable. Sakura was like a daughter to her.

"She wouldn't just go. Someone took her. Someone much stronger." the Hokage concluded.

"Akatsuki?" Naruto asked.

"No. She would be no use to them but think... Who tried to kill her quite recently and is much stronger than her."

Naruto thought for some seconds.

"No way, it can't be Sasuke teme!" he screamed panicked. Tsunade nodded.

"I'm afraid it may be. My thoughts are that he has something personal with the village. Or with a certain someone from the village and he will trade her." The blonde said clentching her fists.


"Itachi, something is off in Konoha." Kisame approched his partner. They were back at the base and Itachi was currently sitting on the couch, relaxing.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been there to see the Nine tails container but I bumped into two ANBU teams at some miles away from the village. I couldn't get closer. But they seemed like they were searching for something or... someone." he tried to remember more details but couldn't.

Itachi's eyes widened in panick, but he relaxed quickly so Kisame wouldn't notice. There is that only person that crossed his mind and he prayed that it wasn't about her. She was a strong woman, yes, but there were many others who could defeat her and she, being the best medical ninja from the Five Nations, didn't make it hard to believe that it was her.

Itachi got up from the couch and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on something." he answered unbothered.


Itachi was currently standing on a roof, trying to sense something inside her apartment. The lights were off. Could she have a night shift at the hospital?

He snuck inside through the opened window. Her bedroom was exactly how he remembered. Her bed was messy and on the floor were thrown some random clothes, including the yukata that he brought for her. He picked it up and inhaled deeply her sweet scent, bringing into his mind some dirty memories.

He folded it and placed it on the bed. His feet carried him downstairs. He turned the lights on and analyzed his surroudings. The pot of coffee was still there, untouched and cold.

He opened the fridge to check how old her foid was. Maybe he could tell for how long she was gone and if it really was about her. A terrible smell invaded his nostrils, making him slam the door shut.

"So it is you..." he concluded. "Who did this?" his gaze moved to the floor.


"Sasuke, please, it hurts... Stop!" the pinkette cried making the younger Uchiha only smirk. He continued to thrust into her hard, not caring about her pain. If he would be honest, it somehow brought him more pleasure. She was one of them, one of the civillains of that damned village who was responsible for his clan's death. They all deserved to suffer.

The tears soaked her face but he felt no pitty. What was once the thing that he swore to protect and even asked Naruto to protect, meant nothing to him now.

He let his weight on her whispering into her ear.

"But I thought you liked Uchihas." he chuckled darkly between grunts. Her hands were tied to the bed's headboard and couldn't push him away. She felt her insides being torn apart.

"Pleaseee!" she begged him, screaming in agony.

She couldn't take it anymore, it hurt too much. She felt like passing out. It was one of the days when Sasuke had free time and he decided to torture her like this ever since morning. Yes, ever since morning he did this with some little pauses while he was getting hard again. And those pauses weren't long. He would be a hypocrite to say that she wasn't beautiful with her skinny-curvy body.

He took a nipple in his mouth, sucking it. Her skin was already bruised from the bites but he didn't care.

"Tell me, Sa-ku-ra... did you do this with your boyfriend Naruto too?" he teased her.

"Tch, you must understand why I do this. I have to be sure that my kids will be born as soon as possible." he bit her neck, making her scream in pain once again.

He released himself inside her again, throwing his head back and moaning in pleasure. Sakura closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, nit wanting to see that image.

He pulled out of her letting some semen dip on her inner tigh. She felt dizzy and she was about to pass out.

"Hn, that's enough for today. I am tired." he said as he dressed in his dark blue robe with the Uchiha crest on his back. He untied her hands, letting them fall on the pillow near her head. Her entire body hurt, she couldn't even move.

"Tch, looks like you're bleeding. I think I've been too rough." he took the black shirt that he wore from the floor. He got between her legs, cleaning the mess.

"There you go. Now go to sleep. Who knows what will happen tomorrow." he kissed her forehead, covering her with the white sheets.

She had no more tears to spill. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Her eyelids felt heavy so she closed her eyes, trying to get away from the nightmare that she was living.

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