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Alex's p.o.v

"Good to see you didn't drive off with my car" the guy joked.

"I can't drive anyways so you're welcome" he handed me a bag of chips and set his food down. "Heading off somewhere?" I noticed he had some clothes in the back if his car so I assumed he was taking a trip.

"Just driving around the country really," he shrugged and filled his car up. I wish I could do that. "So, why're you running from blondy over there?" He got in the car and looked at me.

"I don't know, I panicked and ran from him," I sighed.

"Well there has to be a reason why you panicked," what's with everyone and being so persistent on questions?

"We were just driving around and talking but I started feeling like he wanted me to leave so I made an excuse to leave but he wouldn't let me leave without a reason so I just ran out of the car," I didn't want to sound problematic so I tried to keep it short.

"Am I making you feel unwanted?" He randomly asked.


"Good because I wouldn't want you to leave and end up getting hurt somewhere. Where too?" He started the car and looked patiently at me. I put the address into his phone as he handed it to me and he started driving.

"So, where are you coming from?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Cleveland, Ohio, just one day got in my car, said fuck it, and started driving to wherever," he explained.

"How long have you been out here?"

"I mean it's been a month but I actually just got here in the morning. Might stay here for a week since I have friends here," I was actually so interesting in knowing his experiences.

"So after your satisfied, straight back home?"

"Pretty much," he chuckled. His voice was deep and so was his laugh. Well, deeper than Max and Johnnie's. "Anyways, tell me about you," he smiled looking at me.

"Like what? I'm pretty boring," I shrugged.

"Anything, might wanna start off with your name," he teased considering we didn't even know eachothers name

"Well my names Alex, and I seriously have such a boring life," I said as I realized we were close to my house.

"Im Tyler, this you?" He asked pointing to the house. I nodded and sighed.

"Thank you so much for the ride," I smiled.

"No problem, I'm always here if you need anything," he smiled. I nodded and got out of the car. He didn't leave until I walked inside to where eveyone was waiting.

"Alex where were you?" Mom asked angrily.

"With a friend," I replied.

"Max stopped by, he said you ran from him for no reason. He just wanted to return your phone," Christina said.

"Okay well I was with a friend I didn't lie about that," I defended.

"How did you even get home?" Johnnie asked.

"Some guy I met at the gas station gave me a ride," they were all starting to annoy me.

"You let a random stranger drive you home? Christina was waiting for you to call so she could give you a ride. Honestly Alex, what were you thinking?" I ran up to my room and slammed the door.

"Wow, isn't fun right?" Chris smirked at my annoyance.

"Shut up at least I'm not the one getting drugged up and allowing Chrissy to join," I glared at him.

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