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Large warm hands touched him, caressed his back, stroked his sides and eased him onto his stomach. Large hands. Warm hands. Masculine hands.

Harry felt a surge of fear mixed with desire as those hands coaxed his legs apart. He didn't want to do this, he told himself. Didn't want to go this far. But he felt powerless to stop the other man, the man who was touching him, stroking him. And despite his fear he could feel his cock pulsing against the mattress under him, pulsing in time with his heart in a rhythm of pure desire.

"You want this." The man who was touching him spoke at last. "You want this, Harry, don't try to deny it. You want me in you. Fucking you."

"No," Harry denied it in a voice that cracked uncertainly. "No, I-I don't like other guys that way. I'm serious, man - get off me." But even as he was protesting he could feel the hands moving around the sides of his body. He lifted his hips eagerly, making room between his pelvis and the mattress so that the other man could touch him, hold his throbbing cock in a firm, masculine grip. He groaned softly into his pillow as the man began to stroke him from root to tip, using a slow, deliberate rhythm that told Harry he knew exactly what he was doing and wasn't planning to stop anytime soon.

"Admit it." The man's voice was deep and somehow familiar. "Admit what you want. What you need. Tell me you want me to fuck you, Harry."

"No!" Harry struggled briefly but the man only tightened his grip on Harry's shaft and used the momentum to spread his thighs wider. Harry gasped when he felt a hard, warm chest settle agaisnt his back and another hand beginning to spread the vulnerable cheeks of his ass.

"Yes," the voice whispered in his ear. "This is what you need, even if you won't admit it. A thick cock in your sweet virgin ass. You need a man in you - topping you, owning you. You need this, Harry."

"Please..." There were tears pricking behind Harry's eyelids and he struggled to hold them back. But even the hot shame broke over him, his cock in the man's warm palm still wouldn't go down. He felt the man shift on top of him and then a blunt, moist probe pressed against the entrance to his body. The other man's cock, he realized with a shock. It was poised to penetrate him at any moment. In fact, he could feel the broad, plum-shaped head sliding into him even now, breaching his defenses, stretching his narrow opening, with its thickness.

"Just relax," the deep voice ordered.

"God, please!" he begged as the man continued the slow, inevitable thrust into Harry's body. "Please, I don't want to...don't want this. Get off me!"

"If you don't want it then why are you still hard? If you don't want it then why are you opening up for me so easily?" the deep voice demanded in his ear. And to Harry's horror, the man was right. He could feel his cock throbbing harder than ever and despite the stretching pain of entry, he could feel himself yielding to the thick invader, relaxing enough to let the other man into his body, trying to be open enough to accommodate the other man's cock as it drove deep inside him. He could feel the other man's hips flush with his buttocks now and knew he was all the way inside, filling Harry completely. Owning him as he had promised.

"I'm not like this," he whispered, feeling the hot, salty tears spill into his pillow, even as the cum begin to spill out of his cock in hard, short bursts.

"Yes, you are. And the sooner you accept it, the better," the deep, familiar voice told him. "So just relax and let me fuck you."

"No, no...please-


"Wake up," a deep voice ordered. The same voice that had been in his dream? Harry wasn't sure.

"Wha...?" He looked around the darkened room blearily, uncertain of where he was.

"It's just a bad dream," the voice told him softly. "Don't worry, Styles.You haven't been fucked. Yet."

"Haven't been - ?" Harry woke up completely with a start, his heart pounding, his cock painfully hard between his thighs. God, what was that dream? The one he kept having - the one that wouldn't leave him alone? He rolled over restlessly and touched the hard, warm, masculine back of the man beside him by accident. Part of him wanted to stay there, wanted to share the warmth and companionship of the man in his bed but he knew it was wrong, sick to want those things. Reluctantly, he rolled away, trying to put space between them, trying to forget the demanding heat between his thighs as his cock ached for the contact he denied it.

I'm not that way, he told himself, trying to make himself believe it. Not that way. Not that way.

After a while he drifted off to sleep again, remembering where this had all begun a little more than three weeks before...


Guys, this is the prologue, tomorrow I'll be posting the first chapter, hope you like this! :) Please, if you read this leave a comment? So I know somebody is reading it, thank you :)x

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