Chapter 25 - Finale

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"Louis, take it easy. Are you sure you're ready to come back?" Harry watched his partner anxiously as Tomlinson walked down the corridor to their quarters. The other Needler still moved with an arrogant saunter but Harry thought that he could detect a little stiffness in his partner's casual gait.

"Relax, Green Eyes, it's been a whole month and I've been dying to get out of that damn infirmary from the minute they put me in there. I'm fine."

Harry nodded uncertainly and bit his lip to keep from saying anything else. Still, he kept his eyes trained on the lean, muscular form beside him, ready to offer help if Tomlinson showed the least hint of needing it.

It had indeed been an entire month since the shooting —one of the best and worst months of Harry's life. The best because he was back with the man he could now admit to himself and everyone else that he loved. He'd even sent an info-vid to Amanda, telling her she didn't have to wait for him because he'd found someone else. He didn't exactly say who but he thought she could probably draw her own conclusions since there were no female students or staff at the Academy. As for his parents, he had decided to tell them in his own time. They would know soon enough anyway if the news vids kept digging to find out exactly how a Neddle was operated. Already there had been some speculation as the entire world gained a new interest in the technology that had saved the planet. Harry frankly didn't care what came out or who knew what went on between a pilot and his gunner once they were locked in the Needle together and soaring in the deep dark —as long as he had Tomlinson's love to sustain him they could weather any storm together.

But even as he was reveling in the return of his partner, it was the worst month of his life as well. That was because he knew the minute Tomlinson was completely better he would be transferring from the Academy to Fleet Headquarters on the far side of Mars. He was already missing the tall Needler and wondering how he would deal with his jealousy, knowing that Tomlinson was flying with another man. But he tried to put those thoughts out of his head and just concentrate on being with his partner while he still had him.

During Tomlinson's recovery he'd skipped classes with abandon to be with him, spending endless days in the infirmary talking and playing cards as the two of them got to know each other all over again. What Harry liked best though were the times when Tomlinson would take his hand, look into his eyes and tell Harry exactly what he was going to do to him once he got well. They had more than one mutual jerk-off session whenever the medi-tech was out of the infirmary but it wasn't the same as being able to shower and sleep with and care for his partner as far as Harry was concerned. He missed all those things terribly but he couldn't help realizing that once Tomlinson was well enough to come back to their old quarters where they would have privacy for such activities, he would also be well enough to transfer to the Fleet.

For weeks he'd tried not to think about the inevitable day when the transfer would occur but now he couldn't help myself. Tomlinson supposed it was their room again now that Tomlinson had abandoned his other temporary quarters, not that it made much difference. No doubt in the next day or so he would be gone. Harry began to feel a dull misery somewhere in the region of his chest. Once Tomlinson left he wouldn't be able to see his partner for two more years until he graduated and joined the Fleet himself. And who knew what might happen in that amount of time?

"Well, here we are." Harry stopped dead in front of the familiar dull silver door that led to their quarters. He found that he was overwhelmed with emotions - fear that tonight might be the last night he spent with his lover, desire when he remembered that they would have privacy at last and a fair amount of anxiety when he thought of some of the fantasies the tall, scarred Needler has whispered to him during the long days and nights they had spent in the infirmary together while Tomlinson recovered.

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