To Amelia

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About Amelia: I really have no idea where these names are coming from anymore, but I liked it. Amelia is another person I met through Katie, and I don't know her that well. She still considers me her friend though, and I consider her mine. (I'm literally just now realizing how many people consider me their friend, and I'm so excited about it.) Amelia is imperfect, just like the rest of us.  didn't know that until a few weeks ago. She was always smiling. 

Dear Amelia, 

You tell the best jokes. You have the brightest smile. You had such a wise soul, though you'd never tell anyone that. Now I understand that quote, "The saddest people have the brightest smiles, the most damaged have the wisest souls." I thought you were the coolest person in the world. You were in drama club with me, and you were a great actor! There's a little joke I tell everyone, 'you're not allowed to die', you've heard it before too. You've heard it a lot, but I didn't know how much you needed to be told that. 

I can relate to you, but not in the ways I wish I could. I do not have a bright smile, or a wise soul. I'm not funny, and I'm not the best actor. But I have been a sad person, and I've had my share of 'damage' over the years. I don't tell the best jokes or the best stories, but you make me laugh and smile. You brighten everyone's day, you're a firecracker. 

Then you disappeared without a trace. I don't know why you did it. I didn't know for the longest time what happened and I was so, so worried. Everyone missed you. It was months. I didn't find out until a few weeks ago why you disappeared, but I found out eventually. I will never treat you any different, I mean, why would I? It's not like you'd never tell any more jokes, never make me smile again because of your past. You came back one day, just out of the blue. Nobody thought to tell me, I assume everyone thought I knew... I don't care. I do, but I don't. You're still Amelia. 

Whenever I told you that you weren't allowed to die, you'd reply "Likewise." I'd say 'I'll try', and smile. I remember that. Thanks for that. You're the first person with that reply. 

You aren't allowed to die.

Sincerely, a drama dork.

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